


6 years, 16 days ago


A half-elf dork who fight for the light and beauty, and she's this gentle optimist who smiles and sings and tells corrupt ministers that she has to kill them and then she nearly dies when the corrupt ministers turns out to be a back-flipping ghost ninja and STABS HER IN THE BACK.
Bard 8 / Paladin 4 / Abjurant Champion 5 / Lyrical Thaumaturge 3
don't tell me how to live my life

Pashkou was born around -1000 years from the current timeline, to a human mother and a Solari father, in a fairly small village by the edge of a Solari-inhabited forest. She'd grow up drawn to her elven heritage more than her human roots. One of her many (great-great-great) grandfathers took a liking to the young halfblood and started telling her stories and simple songs, which she enthusiastically forwarded to her village friends. Wherever she would go, song would follow.
Through these stories, young Pashkou learnt of an elven knighthood. Feeling an immense calling to belong to these knights, Pashkou began training vigorously. She was quite young when she, with the support of her (great-great-great) grandfather, travelled into the woods to go before the elven council.

Given that Pashkou was only a half-elf she was sent away to prove herself through several deeds. As she wandered, she picked up on songs and stories, and grew more and more powerful without her own realisation. In truth, the elven council didn't want to accept her into their ranks and sent her off to do complicated and difficult tasks - which she'd manage much to their chagrin.
Eventually Pashkou was told that she wouldn't ever ascend into the knightly order. She was heartbroken, but decided that she should travel to the mage's city called Nexus. Humans and elves alike had there created an impressive magicracy that she wished to learn more from, in order to still become a protector of the values she'd learnt from her grandfather's tales.

In Nexus, she met a mysterious wizard named Ciravya. The sad-eyed woman had a dark past and a strong will, which inspired Pashkou enough for her to take the step and follow the wizard, as well as another woman named Silvia, into the future.

Pashkou doesn't always think when she runs into injustice - she will stand up for those in need, even at her own risk. She hates deceit and strives to be transparent with her actions. She also believes in redemption, and will try to turn people to do what she thinks is the right thing by moving them with emotional song.