[Auction] MC creepers CLOSED



1 year, 1 month ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)


Auction, because I have no idea how to price these- wheeze-

Bid on the corresponding [comments] posted by me, reply to the most recent bid.
The auction ends once 48hr passed since the last bid. 

The buyer will get the design transfered to them after payment went through. [PAYPAL] or [dA points] only for the time being
Character that's transfered includes a shaded and unshaded picture of the adopt, the later without the corny filter for proper colour picking.

SB - 2€
MI - 1€
AB - n/A

1€ = 100pt
Make sure when paying with [PAYPAL] that the currency is in [EURO] and be mindful of that when bidding!
State payment as [for goods and services] and [no delivery address needed] - or however it may be phrased.
I can also send an [invoice] instead if the last bidder request so. No problem!

#1 - [Fruity] - CLOSED -
#2 - [Wooly] - CLOSED -
#3 - [Charged] - CLOSED -
#4 - [Sparked] - CLOSED -
#5 - [Curly] - CLOSED -

Designs can be redesigned as wished, as long as the original design is still recognisable within. The original vibe shall remain.
Characters' species shall not be changed under any circumstance. Alternate forms may be added but not replaced.
(eg. turning a feral character into an anthro permanently isn't allowed, but making an anthro form that exists alongside the feral one is a-okay)

Add and apply clothes, accessories, traits, sexuality and gender to your heart's content.
My designs are not restricted from NSFW and gore purposes as long as you are legal to do so.

My designs shall not be replicated, ripped off or stolen.
My artwork (including characters and designs) is not free to use and shall not be edited, copied or traced without permission.