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Hello, the sta.ash link doesn't work while I was trying to download the PSD one, could you send me the file via email? Email: [email protected]



Hello the links don't work for me either could you send me a PSD file via email?

[email protected]

should be sent ~

It's not working every layer is blank :)

idk what to do( It works for me


i can't download the addons

Idk whats the exact porblem you have and why you cant download it so I cant help you anyhow((

i couldn't download it off stash

it isnt available?

no :C

I don't know, it opens for me( maybe try using vpn or if you already have it turned on try to turn it off

7 Replies

Absolutely amazing base!

I can't access any of the addons though (I might just be blind to some instructions tbh) 


Idk why you cant access them so I cant help(

so you think youd be able to upload mayeb just the base without any of the addons as an image? i understand theres a lot of addons so itd bepractically impossinle to upload them all, but id love to use this base 😭😭

ok, can do that! But I hope you will be able to use full base in future   

Yeah me too !! It's such a nice base

I can't download it off of stash,  anyway I can get the file on here or via email? 

You can give me ur email and I will try to send it later 🌸

Would you be able to do that for me as well? No worries if not!

Sure 🌸

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Thank you! It's [email protected]

I would also like you to pass it to me by mail ^^ [email protected]


I can't seem to download it :( 

Edit: nvm I got it :D so excited to use it 

This base is nice and clean i love it omg, the lines are so nice i love your style

Unfortunately i cant use the base (mobile artist struggles😔💔 files are so weird man) but the fact you went through and made all this and made it free is still really cool to me so im just gonna spectate and try to look at the cool things people make with this base 👍

Sweet words, thank you ❤️

I hope you will be able to use this base one day 🌸

Hi! Sorry for the random response, but you should be able to open it through Ibis Paint (the free version works too). You must go to your Downloads folder (or any folder you have the base at) and click on the .psd file. Your phone will ask you which app does it need to open the .psd, and there you select Ibis paint. Go to Ibis' gallery and the .psd file will extract there to its gallery, and you'll be able to use it. It might be a bit laggy depending on your phone, but it worked for me ^w^

I figured that out a while ago but thank you!! :0 past me wouldve appreciated this alot /gen

Favourited and downloaded I absolutely adore this✨

It's not working for me :'(

Idk how to export it in other formats((

It's okay! Files are tricky :(

super cute base! downloading, thanks for making this as a free resource! 

Ty 💕

I love these! (P.S. it'd probably be a good idea to mark which Stash file is the PSD/Medibang file /gen)

Ty 💕

could you possibly make this more accessible for mobile artists? :D (the drive isnt working sob TwT)

Idk how 😭

If you know any other platforms for storing files please tell 🌸

not sure if this would help but maybe you could make individual png photos ? it'll probably be tedious but that's the best way for mobile artists , in my experience :3

It has more than 200 layers so I dont think it will be possible xd

OH nevermind then !!! have you tried making a with it instead of a google drive ?

Hmmm.. I will try it a little later! Ty 🌸

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