Experiment 136 - "Abyssus"



1 year, 1 month ago


Name: Abyssus

Name Origin: Latin - hell

Species: a dog experiment abomination

Gender: male

Story: The dog with dark brown fur, skeleton markings on his body, red eyes, and a red mohawk mane, was unlike any other canine the world had ever seen. He was the result of a secret military experiment, designed to create a dog that could be used as a weapon of war. But the experiment had gone terribly wrong, and what the scientists had created was pure evil. His heart was so cold that it seemed to radiate out of him, and he always had an icy breath that seemed to chill the air around him. He had never lost a fight, but he had gained many scars from battles with other dogs, both in the lab and out in the real world. The scientists had tried to chain him up, but he had broken free with ease, and now he kept the chains as a twisted trophy. As he walked, the chains would make an eerie scraping sound, a warning to anyone foolish enough to cross his path. The dog never showed any kindness. He never wagged his tail or licked anyone's hand. Instead, he would smile a creepy grin, revealing his razor-sharp teeth, and watch as his enemies quivered in fear. But for all his coldness and brutality, the dog was not entirely without emotion. There were times when he would sit alone, gazing up at the moon, and let out a mournful howl. It was as if he was mourning the life he had lost, the innocence that had been stolen from him. And yet, even in those moments of sadness, there was still a hint of something darker lurking within him, a reminder that he was not a normal dog, but a monster created by man's hubris.