


1 year, 2 months ago



Sally's song
Amy lee

01 — Profile

Name Avideus
Nicknames Avi, Hellspawn 
Age Young adult
Gender Male ( he/him )
Height 7.5ft
BirthdateOctober 5th
RaceScapion (demon)
Orientation. Hetero
Occupation "Contractor"

Status NFS | Alive(?)
Worth 25$
  • He has two sets of horns, the first rest on his forehead, the other on the back
  • He should always be drawn with hair!
  • Extreme Physical injury can cause an "earth death", which confines him to The Hellscape for around a week, before being allowed to return
  • He cannot die a mortal death ( on earth), however, he can be killed by other demons, or a sacreligious ceremony
  • Bro is not stable. He is calculating, however he isnt cold. He's quite emotional actually, just good at hiding it.
  • Obsessive and murderous tendancies. Being a worker of hell doesn't really grant someone many morals.
02 — Personality

Avideus is extremely intelligent. Persuasion and manipulation is an extremely important skill to have when being a resident of The Hellscape. Avideus was a good-natured soul at heart, however those good qualities were quickly squashed by his peers and over-expecting parents. 

He was used to being given nothing and receiving nothing as a child, whether it was praise, affection, relationships, or commodities. It caused him to develop an extreme attachment to the few items, and friends he was able to gain as an adolescent. However his often over-the-top and intense behaviour caused most living creatures to turn-tail and leave him. 

  • Elora
  • Graphic novels
  • Snakes
  • Physical touch
  • Sunny / Acazi
  • Sweets 
  • The Hellscape
  • Abandonment
03 — Background

Welcome to the Hellscape!

The hellscape is a second way of being- an alternative world set miles below the mortal realm. Resting in the second galactic plane, it's directly across from the "earth" most dragons know and reside in, However powerful magic keeps it hidden. The current Head-of-table, Satuhnus (pronounced Sat-ah-nus), has however discovered how to allow Scapions (residents of The Hellscape), to pass to the mortal realm in a process known as 'Celestial Hastening', which allows the user to essentially create a "second body" on earth. The whole process is incredibly complicated and usually takes years of training, very few young Scapions are able to use the ability, they are however, regarded as elitists, and typically reside in the Second Castle.


Avideus' childhood was a very difficult one. His parents were always over-expecting, and consistently pushed him to study, study, and study more. He was so forced into the academic role that he never really got the chance to make friends or learn how to socialize properly.

He was born an only child at first, but was soon given a baby sister when he was four. He adored her, and would spend any time he could care for his sister, and playing with her. His parents were not happy that he would rather spend time with his sister rather than his studies. 

Unfortunately, his sister befell with an unknown illness when she was 7. Avideus was devastated, even more so to discover that it was terminal. He spent every moment he could with the bed-bound girl. However, unfortunately, she fell victim to her disease at 9. It caused Avideus to retreat into himself, and become a husk of his former being. 

Adolescence / adult years

After dealing with the passing of his sister, he spent the rest of his youth throwing himself into his studies, being able to master Celestial Hastening when he was just 19. The head-of-table took notice of his exceptional abilities, and granted him a home in the Second Castle. 

He very quickly began his work as a "contractor", collecting souls to forward to the First Castle, which granted him more power and leeway surrounding it. However one night, he ran into a strange dragoness in an alleyway. He struck up a deal with her, however she fascinated him so much so, that he no longer wished to collect her soul. He instead left it ambiguous to her, and said that he would come up with an idea later. However he's long since made up his mind, opting to leave her clueless.

He wanted her.

04 — Trivia

  • Avideus is extremely touchy, he loves giving and receiving physical touch.
  • He adores cats, and has always dreamed of owning one.
  • Due to being an Elitist of the Second Castle, he's regarded as a "prince", although he has no royal blood and is not related to the current head-of-table in any way.
  • Avideus has only faced one Earth Death whilst being a contractor, he describes it as "worse than a real death", due to being able to feel all pain, yet unable to actually pass. The week he spent in the hellscape was one of his worst.
05 — Relationships

 Love interest / Contractee

A girl Avideus took particular interest in, he met her in an alleyway during a Spring night. He struck a deal with the girl, however instead of collecting her soul like usual, he instead pines for her heart.

Acazi / Sunny
 Sworn Enemy 

A dragon Avideus has few words, and even fewer cares about. He quite literally detests his existence, and would not feel particularly bad if he were to disappear one day. Why? is rather petty, he's the one Elora loves, and it eats Avideus up inside. every. single. day.