Karina Bishop



1 year, 3 months ago


Karina Bishop


Karina is a very sweet person when she wants to be (which is most of the time), she's used to having people walk over her so as much as she wants to she won't really do much, Karina is a hopeless romantic and gets crushes very easily, she doesn't normally tell her crushes about her feelings afraid of rejection but she will kinda flirt..it's really bad though.


She has a power but resents it because she gets it from her father who wasn't a good person to her mother, she's able to control it so it doesn't show up out of no where, she can turn into a huge shadowy lamb with big claw hands, she mainly does it if she's backed into a corner and is in a dangerous situation, it hurts her alot physically so she can't really do it often anyway.

Name Karina

Age 26

Pronouns She/They

DOB December 28th

You were never the monster.


Karina grew up with her mom Valeria Bishop and her da Bruno Bishop, her mother is a a half lamb and her dad is a shadow monster, they were in an arranged marriage, Valeria never loved her husband but she adores Karina, growing up Karina never spent a lot of timw with her dad, he'd often push her to the side, at age 13 her mom and dad divorced and she lived with her mom, she'd visit her dad every other weekend.

  • Tea
  • Sweets
  • Music
  • Painting
  • Fluffy blankets

  • Large crowds
  • Yelling
  • Being outside at night
  • Reality TV
  • Her things not being neat


  • She has nyctophobia
  • Huge lover of frogs
  • Has a mountain of plushies
  • Needs glasses but doesn't wear them
  • Can't drive so she walk
  • Wants a bike some day