


6 years, 2 months ago




Created: April 14th
Status: Active
Worth: $15 (art not calculated)
Offer: NFT/S
Creator: Latios


NameForrestReceived OfferingApril 14th
GenderCis MaleOrientationGay
SpeciesStrudelThemeBurnt Marshmallow
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vitae orci quam. Suspendisse interdum hendrerit lacinia. Sed vel sem consectetur, suscipit nunc a, accumsan arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent varius lorem odio, vel mattis ex consectetur a. Vestibulum consequat fringilla mi, ac cursus lacus sollicitudin non. Sed interdum lectus sit amet aliquam viverra. Morbi mattis semper ipsum nec tincidunt. Suspendisse pharetra, metus sit amet volutpat sagittis, augue massa faucibus metus, non bibendum nibh lectus eget turpis. Donec laoreet porttitor euismod. Integer faucibus eros ex, ut posuere leo elementum eleifend. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vel tempus lectus, vel sagittis velit. Integer ullamcorper nunc eget turpis consectetur luctus.
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  • Chocolates
  • The outdoors
  • Nature + Wildlife
  • Alone time


  • Urban areas
  • Pollution
  • Hot weather
  • Getting wet
  • High-energy activities


  • Camping
  • Hiking
  • Stargazing
  • Birdwatching
  • Bug catching



  • Soft-spoken
  • Dependable
  • Honest
  • Cautious
  • Resourceful
  • Tolerant
  • Level Headed


  • Lethargic
  • Solitary
  • Pushover
  • Sloth
  • Skeptical
  • Stubborn


    • Burnt Marshmallow filling, common 
    • Nub horns, common 
    • Spaniel ears, common 
    • Creampuff tail, common 
    • Removable stick accessory, common
  • Fat + fluffy body type, tall
  • Looks sleepy most of the time
  • singed hair, with a small fire at the end of one of the strands



7725573_eyJ9ACioOpYeCxs.pngForrest started off like any other baby strudel, pure white and wide eyed to the world. He hatched in the woods, growing up under the care of a group of Wilderlings. They taught him what berries were edible, and what animals to stay away from. Most of all, they told him to stay away from humans and civilization. This couldn't stop the young strudel when he came across a campfire late at night though. The glow of the fire and sickeningly sweet smell of s'mores mixed with the scent of burning wood enticed him to stepping closer. What these people were making smelled so good, how could it be as bad as his caretakers say it is. He watched as one of the campers placed their marshmallow too close to the fire, and watched it burn and char. Upon seeing this, the person tossed the burnt marshmallow over their shoulder towards the edge of the woods, where a baby Forrest sit in awe. He scurried over to the now blackened sweet and sniffed at it, before taking a bite. This triggered a change within him, and as he ate the gooey-inside of the marshmallow, his white fur began to look charred on the ends, taking on the appearance of the makeshift offering he was eating...

Once his caretakers discovered his change from taking the burnt sweet from the ground, they shunned him. All this time of telling him what not to do, only for him to betray them. He was told to leave, and he never looked back.

He came back to the campfire, now without a crowd or a fire, and took residence inside the large cabin nearby. Its a nice, two-story cabin with old furniture and no other strudels in sight. Even the family that owns it isn't around, save for about a month a year. He now mixes an woodsy survival lifestyle with the lifestyle of a household strudel, living in solitary for the most part.


Cook's Blessing

Forrest has the ability to bless good fortune to people preparing meals. Though because he doesn't use this ability often, it is relatively weak. He usually finds it working the best with campfire foods (hot dogs, s'mores, etc.).

Tail Drop

When threatened (usually by a housepet or backyard animal), Forrest can drop his tail like a lizard to distract the assailant and make a quick getaway. It takes around 2 weeks to almost a month for his tail to grow back.


  • Forrest is naturally very warm. the perfect cuddle buddy on cold nights.
  • Forrest uses the stick in his tail as a multi-use tool. Anything from a walking stick while hiking to tying a string at the end and turning it into a makeshift fishing rod.
  • Forrest is not afraid of bugs. its the opposite actually! He can pick up bugs with ease and doesn't mind them crawling around or on him.
  • Forrest's personality is inspired from Angus from NITW7472933_yotnKjW4u2UGdA8.png?1525044583

"I got caught up in the forest; hangin with the trees..."

The Neighborhood - Stuck with me


2093390?Abel [Close Friend] Abel just showed up at Forrest's cabin one day, and it took a few days for the older Strudel to notice he was even there. Due to Abel being a trickster, Forrest wanted nothing to do with him and the "bad luck he brought." Despite kicking him out time and time again, the young Strudel would keep coming back. It wasn't until Abel started crying that Forrest felt guilty, and allowed him to stay under certain conditions (that are never held up). Nowadays, they have both grown very close, and Forrest would do anything to keep Abel safe and happy.
1831190?1523067687Fraise [Childhood Friend] Forrest met Fraise shortly after he received his offering, back when he was still a child. They were able to get along well because of how laid back and peaceful the both of them are. He treasures the knick-knacks Fraise makes for him, and often decorates the log cabin with them. Life has gotten in the way, and they don't hang out like they used to.
2069521?Jynx [Friend?] Jynx is a very strange Strudel, and Forrest isn't quite sure what to make of her yet. He often sees her causing havoc in the woods, and every conversation between them made Forrest feel uneasy.
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