Burie'a Raihah



1 year, 3 months ago



   Burie'a Raihah is a keeper miqo'te and first son of Burie Raihah. He was born and raised in a small keeper  community hidden in the depths of a dense forest on the far edge between  the black shroud and Mor Dhona. He has one younger brother, an elder  sister, and 3 younger sisters. His grandmother is the 'leader' of the  community, with his mother set to take her place once she passes. 

    Being Keepers of the moon, they are very devoted to family, so when  Burie'a's wanderlust was triggered when a Hyuran traveler and researcher  stumbled upon their community, his mother and grandmother did not  approve and shot down any dreams of adventure.

   One morning, he  had a dream, though it was more a memory of the Seventh Umbral  Calamity. It was this morning Burie'a decided to leave his family behind  to follow what felt like his true calling. While the rest of the tribe  was asleep he gathered his things to head out but was stopped by his  oldest sister who told him she believed he would do great things and  gave him Menphina's earring as a blessing and a token to never forget  his family. With that he made his way for Gridania where his journey  starts.

   Burie'a is a reckless,  eager, and outgoing young man who goes by Berry, a nickname he was  given by the Hyur he met when he was younger. He is ready to help anyone  in need and strives to explore and learn about the world and its  people. However, the stories of grandeur he had heard and his many early  victories had caused him to become too confident, taking difficult and  life threatening jobs without hesitation, a fault he still suffers to  this day. Tho he may overestimate himself, he is anything but conceited.  True to his clan, Berry cares deeply for his family and friends and  does anything he can to protect those he cares about.

   Berry is  very friendly and makes quick friends with almost everyone he meets. He  is also incredibly silly and can tend to misread situations, sometimes  saying the wrong thing or making a joke at an inappropriate time. He  loves friendly competition and wants to better himself as well as those  around him.

   Alphinaud:  When they first officially met, Berry empathized with Alphinaud's  desire to help others and supported his quest to form the Crystal  Braves. Even after the events at the end of ARR, Berry always supported  Alphinaud and wanted to help him learn and grow. Berry and Alphinaud  have a sort of 'opposites attract' relationship. Alphinaud keeps Berry  grounded and aware and makes him critically think about situations  before acting, while Berry keeps Alphinaud from getting too caught up in  his own head and drives him to act and trust his gut instincts.

   Alisaie:  In contrast to Alphinaud, Berry and Alisaie are very alike. Both driven  by action and competition. If left to their own devices, the two could  absolutely push each other to go too far, but it's this pushing that  allows them both to test their limits and become better fighters and  people. They are both reckless and mischievous and don't hesitate to  play pranks or push buttons.

   Y'shtola: Y'shtola remind  Berry of his eldest sister and has much respect for her. However, they  do tend to argue and butt heads as they tend to have two different  approaches to most things. Despite this, when they are on the same page  they can be unstoppable and a force to be reckoned with.

   Urianger:  When they first met, Urianger's dated speech made it difficult fro  Berry to keep up, and he later became very supsicious of his alignment.  However, when Urianger's plans came to light and as they traveled  together, and especially after Y'shtola's blinding, Berry learned to  really appreciate his graphic way of speaking and garner a lot of trust  for the man, coming to him for advice or just to simply vent.

   Thancred:  At first there wasn't much of a relationship between Thancred and  Berry, most of their interactions including or being about Minphilia.  However after Minphilia's passing and especially after the events of  Shadowbringers, Thancred has become a sort of adult figure for Berry.  Like Urainger, coming to him for advice or to just vent. Berry,  Urianger, thancred, and Estinien have become 'The Boys'.

   Estinien:  When Berry and estinien are together, it becomes clear how seperated  they have become from society, though Berry has had an easier time  learning and adjusting. Things they don't know or understand is met with  curiosity, skepticism, and sometimes violence. These two are more prone  to comfortable silence than idle conversation, however they often enjoy  sparring.

   G'raha Tia: They're boyfriends. Sorry I'm  one of those people <3. This is gonna be the longest one. When they  first met in ARR, Berry and G'raha developed a friendly rivalry, with  both yearning for adventure and to learn. Through the events of Crystal  Tower however, they become close friends, making it difficult for him to  say goodbye when G'raha shut himself away to slumber. In  Shadowbringers, Berry was devastated to learn G'raha was not with the  crystal tower on the first, however become very close with the exarch  very quickly and felt the familiar fondness he held for his friend.  After the events of Shadowbringers and G'raha awoke on the source and  joined the scions, the two traveled and spent a lot of time together,  becoming closer than either had ever been with anyone before.
                     Like his relationship with Alphinaud, the two are rather  opposite, with G'raha often losing himself in studying and able to focus  for hours while Berry cannot hold his own attention for longer than an  hour or two, or Berry running headlong into danger while G'raha takes  time to survey and make a plan of action. Their differences compliment  eachother and makes up for what the other lacks.

   Because there's a lot and this has all the like closeups and detail shots etc