Floral Drake



1 year, 6 months ago


The Drake are a species of reptilian based animals that come in a variety of types

Floral drake:

The petals that grow on its back can vary in size and can have any colour. these petals are very durable.

The floral drake can eat meat in order to gain energy, however it requires sunlight to be present in order to use its full physical capacity. if only the moon is present however, it is still able to absorb that light and use it, but this only allows to to work at a weakened state. they drink by digging their claws into the ground and sucking the water into their bodies. 

When the drake reproduce, they can have 2-4 babies.  1-3 of which chance of it being a lesser drake, and the remaining 1 in 2 chance could mean that its a greater drake

Lesser drakes are treated as dogs are in the old world. Usually kept either inside the house, or left outside in order to protect the family while sleeping

The greater drake is more oftenly used as a form of transport for both people and luggage/large objects. they may also be used for law enforcement or royal guard

When young, the flowers on the back of the floral drake are present as bulbs. they full sprout once they have grown

The flowers are a separate organism from the drake, as they partake in a symbiotic relation ship. Bees can pollinate these flowers and that allows them to grow outside of the drake

When a new drake is born, it will be given the same type of flower that the mother drake already has