Vox's Comments

Hope this isnt a bother but could I be pinged if this guy ever comes off of hold :0?

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Could i be pingged when they're off the hold since its been a year since that last offer so im not sure

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Anyone in my ufts-secondarys-possibly mains, and I can add art! Oop I just saw the hold nvm! Sorry 💜

If they go off hold could u lmk? :3

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Hey! I think you’re accept offers on them?? would you accept a mixture of $$ and character(s)? 

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Okay! You can take a look at anyone in my TH, if you don’t see anyone that’s completely fine. Is there a certain amount of $$ you’re looking for? 

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do they have anymore art? (Like if all art is hidden)? 

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2 Replies

They look like a jawbreaker!

Anyone in my toyhouse other than sonas?

! lmk if you see anyone in my TH or pastelgutts (‘foreverhomed’ are off limits)

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i don’t think i’d trade any of them, sorry!! tysm anyways <3

Anyone in my th caught ur eye?

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