


6 years, 17 days ago


Super short amazing description: Soccer Mom

Full name: Brandi Labelle

Age: 26

Ethnicity: White

Gender: Female

Orientation: Pansexual

Height: 5'10

Body type: Heavyset, muscular 

 Misc.: Has a twin brother. Really good singer. 

Likes: Affection, flirtation, friends, alcohol, weightlifting, being the mom friend 

Dislikes: Rudeness/disrespect in general to herself or her friends, her brother's antics 

Character backstory: Brandi certainly comes off as the more 'dominant' twin between her and her brother, Risk. She is very loud, rowdy, and in general a big personality to have in a room. Brandi is super outgoing and loves to make new friends, which is a complete contrast to her brother. She has undying loyalty to the people she loves, and often takes it upon herself to become a mom figure to pretty much anyone, whether or not they might need it. Behind her motherly actions are intimidation and strength- everyone tends to listen to her without protest since she comes off as more of a Mama Bear type. Indeed, Brandi has a short temper like her brother, and has a tendency to get riled up or threatening easily. Her and Risk tend to fight sometimes as if they were still children. She's much stronger physically than him- and a lot of other people, too- so it's not hard to feel afraid of her. Brandi keeps up this Mama Bear persona easily since she loves to lift weights. 

Brandi has her own share of sorrows (usually family oriented), but tends to keep them bottled up. She prefers to keep on a cheery face, despite everything.

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