
6 years, 2 months ago


Grace was born within Unova with a family of a big sister, a mother and a father. She had a very naive mind that couldn't quite grasp the dark side of the world. Once she had been struck by lightning, which gave her a fear of it, and after this, she had to cope with the loss of her parents, who were supposedly killed, by what, only Diamond knew initially, a dragon. The irony of this is that Grace simply adores dragons, yet she's unaware of just how dangerous they can be. Diamond was responsible for raising Grace after that, but she eventually went to live on her own after she was more grown. The way she copes with her loss is through pranks and such, an attempt to distract herself from the loss, but things soon changed. Initially, she wanted to move to Kalos, but when she was there, she simply couldn't afford a home there, so she returned to Unova, and moved into a cramped apartment, perhaps one of the least suitable homes. It changed after she met a Vaporeon named Hydrus, who insisted on her leaving there to stay with him. During her time there, she became progressively more affectionate towards him, until something peculiar happened. She supposedly became so overjoyed that it unleashed her 'Resolute Form,' which increased her strength tenfold, and changed her originally pink fur to a gold, she also became significantly more optimistic, to the point when she eventually encountered the killer of her parents, she simply wasn't bothered by it, and spared the Hydreigon named Dread. Now with a strong sense of optimism, she was able to get her life on track, now with someone to love, and a job she enjoys, as a Unova postmon. There's more though, behind her friendly facade lies a Sylveon who occasionally stomps out crime and disappears with not much of a trace, save for her own personal letters always being at the scene.