


1 year, 1 month ago



Name: Danielle-MAKU ("MAKU" stands for Mojo Ammo Kurtain Unit)

Gender and sexuality: Female|Bisexual

Nicknames: DanMAKU_Gal (Gamer handle), Dani, Danmaku Bunny (Duelist name), "Pinky Minaj" (derogatory)

Species: Mojoroid (Rabbit Type)

Occupation: Professional gamer, Hobbyist Duelist


"Danmaku Energy" - Danielle can wield a special type of Mojo unique to her called "Danmaku Energy", which takes the form of explosive reddish-pink glowing spheres. She can control the direction and flow of movement of this energy similar to that of a bullet hell boss. She can also charge inanimate objects with this energy, which serve as bombs that release DanmaKu energy in all directions. However while her Danmaku Energy is limitless there is a limit as to how much Danmaku Energy she can release; if she releases 400 spheres of energy her body overheats and "shorts out", thus disabling her powers until her MSRS (Mojo Self Repair System, which is always on) can sort her body out.

Agility - True to her rabbit motif she can jump insanely high. She can also fire off a small amount of Danmaku Energy from her feet to propel her further, which is useful when she is jumping, but can also serve as a dashing maneuver as well.

Personality: Danielle operates as if she has a lot of energy, as there is almost never a single moment where she is seen tired. She always looks for the best opportunity to gain an advantage for herself, in both gaming and dueling. She has a rather inflated sense of expectations in herself, however, and thus takes loss very badly to the point of incessant amounts of salt and whiny self-deprecation. She is also terrible with trash talk, as she always resorts to very vulgar versions of playground insults usually relating to the person's sexuality or a generic maternal insult.