


1 year, 2 months ago


"Would you like me to keep you warm?"


Novemeber 9th


6'2 |cm


170lbs | kg

Astral Houndour

Starry Cascada Islands

Long and wavy ash brown

Deep teal and flirty

Starfallen City


Relationship Status
Taken by Lav

Personality Type


  • NATURE: Bold
  • CHARACTERISTIC: Highly persistent
  • LEVEL: 31
  • ABILITY: Flash Fire, if hit by a fire-type move, he absorbs the flames and uses them to pwer up his own fire-type moves
  • MOVESET: EMBER; Level 1. Fire. An attack that has a 1 in 10 chance of leaving the target with a damaging burn. LEER; Level 1. Normal. Decreases the defense stat of all adjacent opponents by one stage. HOWL; Level 4. Normal. Raises the attack of the user and his teammates by one stage.
  • TEAM: Poetic Khaos
  • POSITION: Recruit
  • BRANCH: Rescuers
  • TEAM TYPE: Double Leader Team
  • TEAM RANK: Ace

  • Cooking
  • Music
  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Adventures

  • Swimming
  • His parents
  • Abandonment
  • Dancing
  • Being restricted

  • His name means heaven or sky.
  • Ever since childhood, Haneul has always been interested in music. From when he touched his first instrument, he has been diving into the different forms of instruments and experimenting with sounds.
  • With lack of approval from his parents, once Haneul was old enough he decided to live with his grandmother whom he took care of before departing for his travels.
  • His favorite color is purple.
  • Being an overtly energetic child, Haneul got into lots of mischief in his youth. Unfortunately because of his wrecklessness and stupidity, he ended up with a scar above his eyebrow due to a fishing accident. Embarassed of his past behavior, Haneul usually tells far fetched stories of how he got his scar rather than the truth.

Growing up as the only child of inventors, Haneul was typically left alone and raised by his grandmother. Sometimes whenever she was ill, a few of the villagers would watch him until his parents came back. Due to his lack of parental guidance and increased dependence on those that cared for him, he became extremely dependent on those around him and formed attachment issues as he got older. His neediness makes him come off as annoying and obsessive.

Since his parents were rarely around him growing up, he is insecure that one day those closest to him will abandon him like he feels his parents have. Used as a coping mechanism, his sarcastic remarks although funny at times, also make him out to not be the best person to interact with especially when he takes the sarcasm too far. Referred to as his second language, Haneul is described as being flirtatious and romantic. He believes in sharing everything with his partner and will go out of his way to make sure they are okay.

Ever since childhood, Haneul has always wanted to become a writer. He didn’t really care if he became famous or not, especially since he knows what it is like to be in the limelight of successful parents. With his writing dreams in mind, Haneul knew the only way to expand his knowledge was to explore the world. So with only the support of his doting grandmother, Haneul left Starfallen City and made his way across the different islands to immerse himself in the varying cultures and excitements that each one offered. In his last journey, Haneul came across the city of Ethovalon. While visiting, he came across a chaotic pair of individuals that piqued his interest. Following the pair around their journeys, Haneul would make his presence as inconspicuous as possible. Unfortunately, due to Artem's keen sense, Haneul gets caught by the pair a few days after following them. At first Artem refused to babysit this silver spoon playboy, however, with a lot of convincing from his partner Zivon, Haneul was allowed to journey alongside them so long as he didn't get in the way.


Zivon Leader

Vying for his place on their team, Zivon was the first one the welcome Haneul as a member to Team Poetic Khaos. The two tend to enjoy causing chaos and irritating Artem as much as they can.

Artem Leader

Not the least bit enthusiastic to have him join Poetic Khaos, Artem wasn't fond to have another talkative and child like member on his team.