Alex G. Shapes



1 year, 2 months ago


My "Genetical-shapeshifter" who is, like Henati, a doc, researcher and helper.
A good co op and a fun time to be around. Learning, helping and lot´s of things to discover



From an Alien species to a hybrid form, created "by godlings" as researchers would say. Very friendly and open once he had opened his eyes. It didn´t take long for him to learn and adjust and learning of his powers and what he can do.
Since he was very patient and kept the testings on, at a certain point the military wanted to get their hands on him for obvious reasons. Not wanting war or to be used as a weapon, used the powers and got out, fleeing from the place he once was and landed in a new home. Disguising as someone who passed by, slowly adjusting and finding Henati in the process. Making things alot more easier for his life and new home.

At a certain points tags along the adventures and discovers new worlds. Having the ability to open portals and dimensions, using these wisely. At times of course. Usually they come quite in handy to mess with the neighbour or bring snacks to a point.

To him (it in general but he likes to vary on forms)
Since a shapeshifting beeing and a very special type, he copies the genetics of those he touches. (May it be skin, fluids or other) he can copy the form, voice, abilities and can even engage in memories of the one he touches. He can shapeshift into anyone or anything as long as he knows who the one is. (He observes alot and loves to learn alot as well)
With his excitement and energy, curiositiy to learn and help others.
Like Henati, has a high energy and stamina and will use that to support others and get to know them closer.
Both enjoy the company of the other and tend to play pranks on the group.
Despite his high energy, he knows when to Pause and be serious. This is where he comes in for  super support, beeing a great friend and cheering one up. No matter the problem.

-Loves to eat and cook the menus he has tried.
-Can do alot of shenanigans and silly situations
-When in form, it´s usually the humanoid form above called Alex. While he can be anything he wants to, learning to adjust and live a normal life. Of course making alot of fun with forms to those people who know him.
