Wafer Crumb



1 year, 6 months ago



Baby | Teen | Adult


Reference(s): Designed and Drawn by me (use 2nd peice for mouth/tongue ref) (inner mouth is the iris color)



Basic info:

Name: Wafer Crumb

Nicknames: Wafer Paper

Birthday: March | 19 | 2023

ID: M-0237

Gender: AMAB | Demi-boy (He/they)

Appearance info:

Species: standard 

Stance: Quad - Feral

Base gem shape: circle

Accessories: yellow and white spotted bandana (baby Wafer wears the bandana around his neck, teen Wafer ties it on one of his front legs, Adult wafer ties his hair up with it)


Base Placements

Legs full (front), Socks, Hood, Snoot (lower), Underbelly (full), Tail (full), front toes (accent), back toes (accent)


Baby: Hair tuftfluffy whiskersaccessory, fluffy body, fluffy butt, fluffy cheeks

Teen: Eyebrow swapper, tail fluff, fluffy limbs, colored sclera, thumbs, chubby tail, long tail, ear tufts, fangs, small sharp claws, simple hair, add color, coloured tongue

Adult: Forked tongue, smooth mouth

Special: Arcade markings (reapplied)

Known Magic: N/a (can't yet)



Hatching location: Hatchery

Current residence: Lelin'Kel Hatchery


(Hoodie Flowers | "nannykin"/younger sib? | Link)

Hoodie is one of the many kels Wafer helps in watching for Emilie, caring for the kel whenever he's free for a small allowance. Though it's clear to almost everyone, he isn't watching Hoodie for the money. Rather, Wafer acts as a sort of older brother figure for Hoodie, watching out for the little kel, playing with them when they ask him to, and bringing back little gifts or treasures he's gotten them or found while exploring. Their favorite thing to do is play pretend, where Wafer will be the big scary monster or evil witch, and Hoodie has to defeat them. It reminds Wafer of when they were a keling themselves...

(Creature | status | Link)

Info info info


Personality: caring, confident, curious, calming

 Wafer is a keling with big dreams, as he strives to become a guardian to those he cares for, but currently, the best he can do is play pretend with the other Kelings. Wafer's favorite pretend game is knights, and his favorite role is to play as the head knight who defeats the beast and saves the days This doesn't mean he is opposed to playing other things though, if someone else wants to play the knight for a change, he's ok with being the creepy monster or evil villain for a while.

Whenever wafer isn't playing, he's usually stopping fight. Either by forcing the kels to talk it out, or by getting an adult so they can handle it. Where a fight does turn physical, Wafer's first instinct is to get between the two and use his body to stop the kels from hurting each other, which can lead to him getting caught in the crossfire. Because of this drive to help others, and the lengths he will go to help others, many other kelings will come to him to talk about their problems. When they do, Wafer will listen, then offer advice where he can. 

 When Wafer isn't doing either of these two things, he is instead exploring. this has earned him a bit of a 'mischief' streak due to his habit of sneaking out so he can explore the town and nearby greenery. He knows he shouldn't, but something inside of him always convinces him to do it anyway. Since then, his caretakers have taken to just taking him out themselves, which seems to have tamed this drive and now he almost never sneaks out. 

 As a teen, Wafer is more of less the same. He doesn't play like he used to, but he still has big dreams. The only thing Wafer has gained is a bigger sense of duty when it comes to protecting the peace. Specifically, by stopping fight and settling disagreements. Wafer's gained a strange knack for calming down others and finding the root of the problem. Even if he's not yet at the age to really fix many of these issues, it's something Wafer notices as something he might become known for. Besides this though, Wafer is the same Kel he was before, just a little bigger.

Now, fully adult

Voiceclaim:  n/a

Theme: n/a

Playlist: n/a


- bandanna is optional

- three toes + thumbs (claws in front) (3 paw toes in back that have small, non-retractable claws)

- has a big sweet tooth, his favorite treat being cookies 






Prompted: participate in 1 biweekly prompt