Río Flores



1 year, 2 months ago


"I'm here for a good time and a very, very long time."

Name Río
Age 31
Gender Male
Race Chicano
Role Motel Owner, Vampire Hunter


In the current time period, Rio is the vampiric propreiter of the motel portion of Mommas, a locally owned truck stop which acts as a safe haven for transient youth, fledgling vampires, and any other down on their luck members of their kind. In the past, Rio was a starry eyed rodeo boy from Texas, following his dreams to Hollywood in the hopes of bringing a little bit more color and authenticity to the Western pictures. He met his tragic end in the summer of 1957 and since then has made an oath to himself to hunt down any and all vampires who take advantage of humans and to find the man who took his life and deal him a final death.A recent run in with another vampire on the tail of the same target has earned him a rather prickly partner in crime, who (begrdugingly) joins him on a very unconventional and very fun, investigative roadtrip.

HTML by Pinky

"Need a lift?"


Ha de la Sombra [Partner, Passenger Princess.]

"He's not that bad of a guy. Ay, I dunno, he's kinda...sweet."

A mysterious and stoic vampire, the both of them have decided to team up together to follow and take down a corrupt vampiric CEO. Along the way, a tentative seed of friendship is planted, and a romance begins to bloom. Rio grows to be fond of the exasperating loner, being a bit of a lone wolf himself. Along the way, the two find that despite all their differences, they might be more similar than they think.