




✗ Basics✗
Name;; Dominik
Age:21[ in human year]
Nickname;; Nik[ Nick], Nicki
Gender;; Male
Sigh;; Aries
DOT;; April 2nd
Sexuality;; Heterosexual


✗"As The Dawn Arises"
+[Independent| Loyal|Dedicated|Neat|Tolerant]+
Dominik, known by many, is a very Independent  Viscet who is highly capable of taking care of his self. Although he  does push other Viscets away, he hates to admit that having others  around is actually entertaining  and fun.  Dominik is extremely Dull,  there is rarely a fun moment with this guy..he doesn't know the  definition of having fun,well he does have his own way of having  fun,although its different in the eyes of others.  Thankfully, this  Viscet is extremely loyal to those who are close to him. Hes  is also very tolerant to those on a more neutral status. Speaking of others, Dominik is very anti-social and often keep to his self most of the time.

Being Neat  is suitable trait for Dominik,for he can't stand being unorganized or messy. Hes very dedicated to all goals that he sets for his self and see to it towards the very  end.  There is so much Dominik can Tolerate sometimes, When he gets  annoyed, he becomes very rude and sarcastic.  Even if he doesn't mean to be sarcastic, the sarcasm just spill from  his mouth. Last but not least, Dominik is one of the most stubborn Viscets that you will cross paths with. He hardly listen to anyone but his friends

-[Anti-Social|Stubborn|sarcastic|Rude| Dull]-

Brief History;;
Not  remembering what happen to him or his pack, A  young Dominik found his  self resting deep in the woods one morning curled up inside a log.  He  walked out from the log, not saying anything..not feeling sad that his  love ones weren't around. instead, he ventured around the woods  wondering why a quote that one of his family members said to him was  stuck in his head and why he can't remember what happened to him. He  manged to survive many months on his own, still not feeling sad that he  was alone. One day,  Dominik heard voices outside the log he rested in  and peaked to see who it was. Humans where near close to him. He didn't  know much about them so he kept his distance from them. However, a set  of twins[ A girl name Emma and a boy name Emmitt], manged to spot  Dominik and chased after him until they reached another part of the  woods. There, the three ran into a grizzly. Although Dominik was still  pretty young, he bravely fought off the bear and then..he felt an rather  odd feeling grow inside him. That whole day,  Dominik played with the  two children, never having so much fun in his life. Sadly they had to go  back home and Dominik followed then. Since then, Dominik played the  with the kids. However, the moved away soon and Dominik found his self  alone again. Once again, he wondered the woods alone. One day, after  having dream that helped him regain some of his memory, he had woken and  went out to get some food before a storm that was coming came rolling  in. Dominik went to the stream to fish, but the currents where to strong  for him. A gust of wind knocked his beanie that Emmitt gifted him into  the water. He leaped in to get it,which he did,but the current of the  stream was to much for him. Dominik pasted out, drifting  in stream. A  viscet patrol manged to find him and brought him pack to their pack. The  pack's doctor  Atria had taken care of Dominik and decided to take him  in. Since then, Dominik's life begin to change for the better. He was  loved,was enrolled in a good school, and even made some friends

✗"Discovering a new planet can be fun"✗

"reach for the stars";; One  of Dominik's hobbies and favorite hobbies, is studying the stars and  planets. So far, he manged to fine some interesting thing about star  constellations and even found a new one

"Lets paint a picture":;; Dominik  loves to draw. The scenery of Grizzly Pines actually inspired him to  draw. He mainly draw and paint scenery. However, at times, he'll draw  alot of anime related things

"The thrill of the hunt";; Another  favorite hobby of his is hunting. Dominik is a skilled rabbit hunter  and at times, he'll go fishing at stream although hes scared of the  water. He doesn't really fish much

"Beanie thief";; Dominik loves to collect beanies. He actually can't get enough of these things

Hidden Talent?!;;
Indeed!  Dominik haves a hidden talent, want me to tell you? Well that's to bad!  just kidding! This viscet's hidden talent is clothes making. He became  interested in cloth making when the elder viscet of Grizzly Pine made an  outfit for him. He begin to learn from her and actually learn quick.   Dominik's clothes making where better then she tough. Of course, he  wasn't going to any one else about this hidden talent of his. He scared  others will make fun of him

-Night time
- Painting/Drawing
-Pop music
-Fashion designing
-Owls and sugar gliders
-cooked rabbit and fish  


- To much noise
-Heavy metal
-Wind storms  
-Large bodies of water
-Being messy
-Artist block
-Bees and wasp


Crush: None/Open

Mate: None/Open

Children: Aten(Son), Amaya(Daughter)

Parents: Unknown

Siblings: None

Companion: Bennett the great long ear owl