Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Important Note: I do not condone the bad things my OCs may do or have done! Even when it comes to my sonas, some of them have done bad things that I would not do or condone in real life. Remember that my sonas are never a 100% accurate representation of me irl, even the closest sona I have to a truesona.

Things to keep in mind when viewing the galleries of my OCs and/or reading the content on their profiles (The spoilers have more detailed info if you want or need that for more clarification on what I mean, but reading that info isn't required):

There may be...

1. Violence/gore and/or mentions of violence/gore:

Gory images will typically be censored, unless it's just an extremely mild amount of blood with no fresh wounds or weapons present. However, anything more than that will be censored! Uncensored images containing mild blood are most likely to be found within the galleries of my OCs that have dark themes in their backstories. These OCs will have their own individual character warnings!

2. Sensitive topics/mentions of/implications of sensitive topics (Suicide, drugs, abuse, etc.):

I put individual warnings on my characters to warn about these topics to the best of my ability!

3. Fantasy racism (actually speciesism):

By this, I mean stuff like cats hating or fearing dogs, humans hating or fearing monsters, etc. Actual racism will never be depicted in my OCs or stories, as I am not comfortable with creating actually racist characters and would rather keep themes such as real life race wars out of my work. I probably won’t tag speciesism unless it ends up going into graphic territory (like hurting another species out of hate or something). The reason for this is because speciesism and racism aren’t actually the same thing, and it’s kind of a gray area and I don’t always know when it should be mentioned tbh. For example, an OC may have a phobia of snakes, but that doesn’t inherently make them a bad person unless they’re actively trying to abuse them or convince other people to abuse them. Plus, non-sapient animals still exist in my world, so phobias of certain animals could very well not extend to the anthro sapient ones or kemonomimi ones. It’s overall too confusing and sometimes even unnecessary for me to tag everytime.

4. Anime tropes, including yanderes:

Any OC with yandere themes will have their own character warnings so people who are uncomfortable with that trope won’t be exposed to it without their consent. I completely understand why some people would be uncomfortable with the trope, and I will not deny that it and its fanbase have some problems. Just know that I do not use this trope to try and stigmatize real life disorders, and none of my yandere OCs are written to have any specific real life disorders that some people use the yandere trope to stigmatize. If they do have some kind of disorder, it’s not because they’re yandere. I'd also like to mention that I do not agree with labeling people “yandere” just because they have certain personality disorders and find it disgusting when yandere fans call real people with personality disorders that term. I also do not condone any bad actions my yandere OCs may do or have done and especially do not support “irl yanderes”.

I personally don’t see liking yanderes as being much different from liking other types of fictional slashers. Liking fictional killers is not inherently the same thing as supporting or romanticizing real killers. Also, liking a fictional killer doesn’t mean you automatically condone all their crimes. You don’t have to support everything a character does to be a fan of them. I also use the yandere trope for vent related reasons sometimes. I will not say anything past that because I should not have to explain all my issues and why I find the yandere trope comforting to an extent in a profile warning of all things. That is none of your business.

5. Swearing:

Some of my characters swear, and I swear sometimes too. You shouldn't have to worry too much about me swearing when talking directly to you, because I typically don't swear when talking to someone unless I know they're comfortable with swearing. There is swearing on some character profiles (mainly in links, since that's my characters interacting with each other). I do not put individual warnings for swearing.

6. Nudity:

Specifically doll nudity. I do not publicly post NSFW content or non-doll nudity in general! In terms of NSFW, at most, some images may be semi-suggestive, but never outright pornographic! I do not censor doll nudity because I personally don’t think it’s necessary unless the image was meant to be suggestive.

7. OC X Canon, Self-shipping, and AUs

I hate that I even have to put a warning for this, but knowing how some people react to these types of things, it would be best for me to put a warning for them. 

If you have a genuine problem with me shipping OC X Canon and self-shipping with fictional characters, I'd highly prefer for you to just block me and move on. If I catch you interacting anyway, I'll block you. I'm not going to stop shipping something just because you think it's cringe or abnormal. At least half of my OC X Canon ships are comfort ships, and basically all of my self-ships are comfort ships that help me cope with things on varying levels.

All of my fandom OCs exist within AUs rather than me trying to 100% accurately fit them into the canon world's lore. If you have an issue with this, I'd recommend not interacting. People have different ways of enjoying their favorite medias, and my way of enjoying them is AUs. This doesn't necessarily mean I dislike the canon content, I just find it more fun to make AUs when I create fanwork, plus, many of my AUs are comfort AUs and pretty much all of my AUs are personal/for my own self indulgence, I'm not looking to gain an audience from them. For an example of what I mean by "comfort", if my comfort character dies in canon, they don't die or are brought back in my AU. Also, you don't even have to like everything that's canon in order to be a fan of a certain media or its characters! I see my AUs as a separate world/timeline from canon (hence the alternate universe label), they're just tied to the same media/fandom. Usually I enjoy both canon and my AU (there are some exceptions where I don't like canon due to personal reasons but still enjoy the characters themselves which is why they're in my AU). Think of it as like, "I enjoy this movie but I also think the remake is good even though it makes changes to the story." You can like a movie and its remake at the same time, just like you can enjoy a piece of media while also liking a fanremake/AU interpretation of it. It doesn't necessarily mean you think one is better than the other. This is how it is with me and my AUs. tl;dr I'm not going to change my AUs just because you don't like them.

8. Interspecies shipping:

By this, I mean stuff like dog x cat, human x alien, etc. This also includes human x anthro! Gross crap like human x feral will never be featured in my stories, though! If you have a problem with human x anthro or interspecies shipping as a whole though, I'd advise you to leave my page as I do interspecies shipping A LOT!

9. I do not put warnings for character species or phobias (there are some exceptions in the case of phobias):

Angels, Demons, Puppets and other dolls, animatronics, monsters, clowns, animals, etc. will NOT have a warning just for being what they are! Please be careful if you are triggered by any of these things and/or have an uncommon phobia. I typically don't put warnings for phobias unless it's graphic body horror (ex. trypophobia, though I don't really like this sort of body horror, so you likely won't see it on my profile) or if the phobia is a large part of the character's backstory (ex. a character with a backstory themed around submechanophobia). Stuff like an uncommon number of eyes for example will not be filtered unless the number of eyes relates to graphic body horror. Also, in the case of OCs with holes in their body, I will not warn for this if they're something like an MLP Changeling because in that case it isn't graphic/meant to be scary, plus I don't think Changelings are that typophobia inducing.

10. I do not put warnings for fandoms:

I do not give characters warnings based on what fandoms they’re in. The fandom they’re in could potentially be mentioned in their warning if it seems relevant enough, but I will not flag characters solely based on what fandom they’re in. So please be careful if there are any fandoms that trigger you.

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