Jester Pearl's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

chouettechiffon Global Rules

1. if you traded or bought a design made by me, you must add value to it to sell it.

2. redesigns of my designs are allowed, as long as you keep them recognizable.

3. you may make small edits to my art if its things like markings, color changes.

4. please do not use my designs commercially unless you pay me $10.

5. you cannot offer outside of my trade and sales folder.

6. you may not use my art for NFTs or training AI.

7. you must credit me somewhere if you use my art in any way.

8. you cannot mass claim my freebies, id say 3 per person.

9. you cannot reference my ocs/color pick them without permission.

10. trading freebies from me is fine