
Brief Bio

Name: ???

Nickname: Rex

Species: Anubis

Age: Centuries Old


Detailed Bio

The Anubis is an Egyptian canine revived from another life to serve one purpose:
prepare those passed from this life for the afterlife.

With few memories to recollect on, this Anubis at least knows he was a Doberman who was called "Rex" by his master in the past life.
And so, he prefers to keep this name, so long as his Pharoah of this life allows it.
Still, his Pharoah tells him he is now some sort of jackal of a higher calling.

Rex has never truly understood the concept of "slaves" and "masters".
There are only his kind and not his kind.
He obeys his Pharoah and worships the gods and nothing else matters.

But this is not always easy.

When Rex must prepare those passed on for the Underworld,
every Anubis--Guardians of the Scales--must weigh the souls of the dead against truth.

Thus, Rex places their hearts on the scales with an ostrich feather.
If the heart is lighter than a feather, he gladly guides their way to the afterlife in the Underworld!
If their heart is heavy, Rex's heart, too, is heavy.
For then, the soul will be devoured by Ammit--The Eater of Hearts--a fiercesome goddess possessed by the bodies of a crocodile, a lion, and a hippopotamus.

Rex is grateful indeed to the gods for reviving him and serves his Pharoah from the rising of the dawn 'till the setting of the northern star.
Yet, his task is an eternal burden of overflowing joy and terrible, terrible grief.



Generous gift paintie by thewitchmaker (ID# 29721 on Furvilla) ! Thank-you so much! <3