

Mirrin's MAIN sona! Mirrin uses this form to represent themself in art and to interact with their fav characters 'n friends! They may also be referred to as Dorf.

~☆ They/Them - Nonbinary - Ace/Aro ☆~


It is a rabbit like creature made out of clouds. They say their species is called a "cloud goblin" but it actually is a joke, and they are one of a kind!

 They can float and fly! They also have the ability to shapeshift and have a couple of notable forms (usually they stay in default but also like their "puffball" form or a generic rabbit form too)

Their fluff is unbelievably plush and soft and is gently cool to the touch, much like one would imagine a cloud to be like. It usually is a soft blue but actually can change to about any colour a cloud can take. Under their cloudy fluff they have very soft minky-like blue-grey skin with lots of freckles. Unlike a true rabbit, their tail is very long and flexible and expressive.

Mirrin stands at about 3" by default, They are a small creature!

Mirrin is exceedingly shy and timid. Very very anxious too. But they try hard to be friendly and understanding, and have a kind heart. They also love to be silly! Usually they are too shy to do it in front of people they are not close to tho.
