


1 year, 6 months ago








the lovers

herbal mage

Left Behind



The Alluring Herbalist

lone wolf










dom. hand


Omni (prefers masc)

  • Considerate
  • Hard-working
  • loveable
  • alluring
  • dreamer
  • selfless
  • soft
  • always tired

Quirks & Habits: reading, hand-holding, rarely sleeps


  • Herbal tea
  • Domestic moments
  • Quietness
  • Botany


  • Thunder
  • Negativity
  • Snakes (Faust is an exception)
  • Coffee


  • Abandonment
  • Arguments
  • Black magic
  • Losing everything


  • Botany
  • Magic
  • Reading


Machboos ala Dajaj

mango juice with alcohol



Lilies and daffodils



folk music


  • Khalid is a trans-male and has been so since before his arrival in Vesuvia.
  • Khalid has a partner named Asthore, however 2 years after their arrival to Vesuvia, they left on a ship and never came back. It has been 6 years since they left.
  • Sadly, Khalid does not have much time left due to being badly sick. However, he tries to enjoy what little time he has left now.
  • Khalid is naive and blind when it comes to others. Asthore constantly abused him, resulting in the scar across his face.

176.78 cm (5'8")





figure type

fluffy and wavy-curl

hair type

design notes

  • Khalid's race is widely based on Arabian cultures. However, due to him being in Vesuvia since 8 years ago, his attire has changed much from his original that would've corresponded with his culture. Now, he wears garments more found in the city he resides in.
  • I didn't want Khalid having a perfect complexion, so in various areas there are moles and small freckles. It is also why I gave him various scars.
  • I wanted him to appear more calm and enchanting looking, hence the colours I used for him such as the purples.
  • His hair is super soft and fluffy.

Before Vesuvia

"Rebirth is the hardest thing to acquire."

Khalid was not always known as Khalid. His birth name, at which he does not share, was something his relatives referred to him as. Growing up, he disliked the ways of how he had to act like a female- and of course- partake in female likes and traits. He was the polar opposite of such, preferring to do everything else the men around him would do. This caused a lot of conflict between him and his relatives. One day, he ran away, never looking back to the place that didn't truely love him. As he grew up, he tried to get by as best as he could, barely affording anything he needed. He wandered a lot, becoming some sort of traveller or wanderer with no place to go nor call home. It went like this for awhile, he faced hardship after hardship, moving from group to group. Nonetheless, he despised theft and lying, hence why he didn't stay in a group for too long. He tried to work whenever he could just to buy himself food and other basic needs. Still, no matter where he went he was never fully accepted as who he was. As a teen, he disassociated with himself, bestowing the name "Khalid" in place of his birth name. He found the name to be quite fitting, considering all. Nonetheless, people around him continued to refer to him as a female instead of what he was; a man. Things continued like this for awhile. He found himself with sea voyagers, which that was the first time he met a person by the name Asthore.

The Vast Sea

"Wherever the wind took us, wherever the sky melted, as long as I was with you I was home."

For a long time, Khalid and Asthore travelled the mighty seas, fighting off pirates, creatures which lurked within the deep, and visited distant lands. During this time, Khalid started to find himself often researcing flora, being it was useful for when they arrived in unknown lands with their crew. He then started learning how to use herbs, being taught by many people they found in these far away lands. He appreciated their knowledge and help for him to become the herbalist he is today. As teens, Asthore and Khalid were always with one another. There wasn't a time where one would often find Khalid by himself. He admired Asthore, often looking up to them. As for Asthore, they enjoyed playing around with Khalid, leading him on and showing him this beautiful world. The two found themselves together after all the time they spent with one another. Yet, their relationship was often toxic and one sided. Asthore did everything for themself, with little to no regard for Khalid. They corrupted his own view of himself, resulting in him hating himself and seeing himself as something ridiculous as well as being absolutely nothing. Nonetheless, Khalid was blind to this. Whenever someone they knew tried to persuade Khalid into leaving or listen to what they had to say, Khalid often disagreed and never wanted to hear anything bad about Asthore. He become dependent on them. It went on like this for a long time. That was until they reached Vesuvia.

Arrival of Vesuvia

"I'd wait a thousand years and watch a million sunsets until you return."

From present day, Khalid and Asthore arrived in Vesuvia 8 years ago. Upon their arrival, Khalid did not speak the language nor know much of their culture. As for Asthore, being how smart as they were, knew the language and the culture. Here, they settled. Having a love for plants and helping others, Khalid opened his botany and herbalist shop where he could help the people of Vesuvia. Still, he was having trouble fitting in due to not knowing much of this land. As for Asthore, they thrived. Nonetheless, those around them could see how Asthore used and manipulated Khalid. . . One day, Asthore and Khalid got into mostly a one-sided argument, resulting in the scar across Khalid's face. . . Still, Khalid stuck by their side because he deeply cared for them. Things continued like this until one day Asthore grabbed their things and walked to the dock. Here, they explained to Khalid that they were just voyaging out for a bit and would be back in no time at all, all he needed to do was to wait for their return. And so, Khalid did. He waited and waited for their return yet they never came back. It has been 6 years since Asthore left, Khalid finally fluently speaks the language and fits in, and his shop has thrived. . He visits the dock every day to wait for Asthore, waiting for them to come back. Over the years of waiting for Asthore, Khalid met a man by the name Julian Devorak as well as a person named Asra Alnazar. He became good friends with Asra, being they both were fascinated by the same things and had similarities. They were peers. They helped one another on projects and often had idle chats. However, he did not like Jamila Sagitta and seemed to get along fine with Jamila's twin brother, Vimal. The twins were complicated for him, being Jamila often used black magic and his abilities for bad instead of good. As for Vimal, he viewed him as the younger brother he never had- troubled and scared but also sweet and nice. He often could be found chatting with him and or Asra. Thus, whenever Jamila was around Khalid was no where to be seen. He avoided him as much as he could, often warning Asra of the dangers Jamila inflicted. Of course, that was their biggest disagreement between the two magicians. Often, Jamila would purposely irritate and make Khalid uneasy, which was why he tended to avoid him. He had little to no trust for Jamila due to his personality. Yet, he still cared for Asra and Vimal, considering them some of his good friends. As for Julian, he got along very well with him. He knew he was a troubled man with issues, which was why he wanted to help him. He enjoyed chats with him, his journeys and all the fun things he did. Khalid found himself often daydreaming of his ridiculous grin and curly auburn hair. The two got along well, becoming pretty good friends. . . Sadly, these days Khalid knows he has very limited time left. Despite having made it through the plague and giving to those around him, the only thing he could not cure was himself. He researches for immortality as far as he can, yet never reaching into the abyss the acquire what he desires.

The greatest gift of all is being here in this world, at this time. Never take that for granted. My only wish is that I had more time...