
- her full name is Terpischore, but that's a mouthful and she's not entirely sure she can even pronounce it, so she just goes by Rave!

- Anivia definitely stole her as a child but she's a good mom and Rave is happy where she is!

- Where she is, being, accompanying her adopted mother on her dance journeys across Eldemore

- She loves dancing! She learned from the best and very much enjoys doing what she does

- She's also a singer! She might even love singing more than dancing, but it's too close to call.

- Rave's got a love of bright colors and flashy lights, thus her name

- Her dragon side comes out around glowsticks. she loves glowsticks so much

- Holds belief in the concept of 'heartsongs', and that the best people to be around are the ones who'll sing with you!

- she loves making people happy more than anything! nothing cheers people up like a good song and dance

- survives off of drifting and donations from people who see her preform, so she lives off of kindness too

- probably a miracle she's still alive tbh

- does the keep in contact with her blood family? probably not but she'd probably recognize them if she saw them

- a bit forgetful but not maliciously, she's just fidgety

- definitely believed she could fly at a young age and definitely jumped off of a lot of high things to test it

Breeding slots:

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