Francis Grey



1 year, 2 months ago


Wait… is it not ALREADY weird??
Francis Grey
Mid 30s
Junior Researcher of the SCP Foundation


Oh wow, Jonah, ANOTHER fandom OC? I've been into SCP since I was a young boy, I've always adored it, and I've decided to overcome the part of me that cringes to deliver characters for it. That being said, there's a lot of stuff to remember in SCPverse and I am not a smart man, so I may get some things wrong. Either way, I love my little guy (I say to a man a decade older than me), and he deserves the world. <3


Grey is an agreeable and kind person, to the point he is honestly a complete pushover. He has a tendency to go with the flow, and not speak up about things that make him uncomfortable. So while he might seem like a happy, sociable man on a surface level, this is not necessarily true-it is not easy for him to connect with other people, and before meeting Starfall, his life was completely solitary outside of work. Even among coworkers, Grey was not very popular. Higher-ups deemed him to be too sympathetic and emotional when it came to the morally compromised aspects of the Foundation, and others who shared his rank viewed him as nice, but not particularly interesting. He pretends to not be bothered if people see him as boring or weird, yet it gets under his skin anyway. This is a source of shame for him, and Grey is harshly self-critical over his own perceived immaturity.

Truthfully speaking, he has never grasped how to love himself, nor treat himself with patience. Grey will overwork himself and abuse his mind/body with sleep deprivation; Starfall has had to intervene multiple times. His biggest flaw is his inability to be vulnerable, or properly express his deepest emotions. He will repress everything until it becomes a festering, toxic wound, and ends with him suffering terrible mental breakdowns. This has been a consistent pattern in his life. Grey never deals with trauma or pain, he only runs away from it. On the other hand, he's more than happy to help others with their issues if given the chance. Though he can sometimes come off as a hypocrite when it comes to how he treats himself vs how he treats those close to him, Grey truly cares, and means every kind word he says. He wants to make the world a better place, after all. However, his way of doing so can be considered overly idealistic, even naïve. Staying with the Foundation may only be hindering Grey's ability to do right by the world.

Loud Music
Bad TV Shows
Beef Fried Rice
Metallic Sounds
Bland Food
Enclosed Spaces
Involved in an AU with MaximumSnow.
His gender identity is demi male.
Sometimes wears colored contacts.


Long story short: no one is happy!

-Parents are both Foundation members, though they keep their son out of the loop of their real jobs

-Grows resentful of them both because they prioritize said jobs over him, and so he has to mature very quickly to take care of himself

-Is very intelligent and resourceful, which leads to him being a successful student in school. However, he has almost no friends for most of his k-12, and has consistent issues with over-achieving/burnout

-Parents don't really notice how stressed out and isolated their son is, mostly because of how well he performs academically

-Ends up going low contact with them at university. Likely area of expertise is in the field of biology, no specifics yet though, and he's too busy to think much about his family or lack of friends. Which is fine with him

-In his 20s, his parents are both killed during a containment breach

-Official story is something along the lines of a gas explosion, and that's what Grey believes really happened at first. He's in shock, and feeling horribly guilty over his LC with them

-It's not too long before the Foundation approaches him, offering a stable job and "a chance to change the world", though they warn him that he will see and experience things that will change him permanently

-His parents had enough influence to keep him from being recruited before but with their deaths, the Foundation is determined to grab another intelligent mind, especially since it's the kid of such well-respected members

-Still struggling with guilt and trauma, Grey is easily convinced to sign on

-Learning the truth of the world is difficult enough, but finding out what _really_ happened to his parents is the worst of it. Instead of being chased away, though, he's even more determined to stick with the Foundation

-Surely there's something he can do to make it where no one else will have to go through what he did

-Grey does what he does best, that is, he represses this turmoil of emotions to continue his work

With the Foundation

-Before his later demotion, he mainly worked with Euclid-level SCPs. Some were dangerous, some not

-The worst part of the job for him is the D-Class. Even though he doesn't see many actual deaths during this time, using unwilling test subjects makes him sick. He tries to nudge it where he mainly works with SCPs that can be tested by researchers

-Doesn't always work out though

-At his peak, he was Researcher Francis Grey. Not especially prestigious compared to his parents, but his reluctance to allow harm towards D-Class prevents him from climbing any sort of rank

-How many people did his parents order to be killed, he wonders all the time

-Eventually, the incident where a dangerous skip nearly breaches containment entirely happens -Grey witnesses a LOT of researchers and D-Class die gruesomely, and is nearly killed himself at least once

-He's saved by a member of the GOC; there's a brief moment where he sees them without their helmet, and their appearance is burned into his head

-She disappears after to go re-contain the skip with the MTFs, and Grey worries in the aftermath that they may have died doing so. He hopes his savior lived

-In time, he meets her again, and is overjoyed that she did in fact survive

-At this point, Grey has been demoted and put on temporary leave for Foundation-mandated psychiatric treatment after suffering several breakdowns

-He's more happy about it than upset, though, as he now works with Safe-level SCPs

-He and Starfall begin to meet more frequently over time, and eventually their relationship develops into a romantic one

-Grey at this point is still stubbornly clinging to the idea that he can make the world better by staying with the Foundation. Star tries to convince him otherwise a few times, but her words fall on deaf ears

-However, he's not idealistic enough to think the Foundation would in any way approve of his relationship with a Coalition agent, so they both keep it firmly under wraps

-In time, Grey is determined to be mentally fit for a return to more strenuous/high risk work with unpredictable SCPs, a thought that terrifies him to his core

-He lets Starfall know, and receives her gift of the emergency signal as quick as she can make it

-Once moved to the temporary holding facility, it's not long before the mass containment breach occurs, and the entire site is plunged into lockdown

-Panicking and re-experiencing past trauma all over again, Grey activates the necklace Star gave him should he ever be put in extreme danger

-Before she arrives, though, he has to survive on his own

-Hiding works for a little while, but as the staff numbers dwindle thanks to the loose SCPs, the sentient ones start hunting down stragglers

-Grey only barely survives an encounter with 106 -He may encounter Damian as well, and is glad that at least one D-Class didn't suffer the fatal consequences of this endless nightmare

-Eventually, Starfall breaks into the facility, and they reunite. In base AU, they escape together

-In bad end AU, Grey is mistaken for one of the sabotagers after being seen with Starfall. His execution is ordered, and one of the Nine Tailed Fox manages to shoot him before he and Star can get away

-He ends up bleeding to death and dying in her arms


Starfall Romantic Partners

"Tbf if I was saved from a gruesome death by a starlit valkyrie, I'd fall in love too"

Damian Martinez Allies

Friends? Perhaps?

Name Surname relationship

Nullam ac lorem sit amet urna euismod lobortis. Aenean metus justo, feugiat quis tempor vitae, imperdiet in lacus. Aliquam ac velit rutrum, elementum magna quis, euismod orci. Vestibulum suscipit fringilla turpis id semper. Ut non sagittis ligula. Duis ut eleifend nulla, sit amet luctus nisl. Pellentesque sed urna erat. Donec quis tristique neque. Quisque lobortis semper aliquet. Pellentesque semper sem nisl, id imperdiet turpis elementum et.

Name Surname relationship

Nullam ac lorem sit amet urna euismod lobortis. Aenean metus justo, feugiat quis tempor vitae, imperdiet in lacus. Aliquam ac velit rutrum, elementum magna quis, euismod orci. Vestibulum suscipit fringilla turpis id semper. Ut non sagittis ligula. Duis ut eleifend nulla, sit amet luctus nisl. Pellentesque sed urna erat. Donec quis tristique neque. Quisque lobortis semper aliquet. Pellentesque semper sem nisl, id imperdiet turpis elementum et.