


1 year, 3 months ago



Performer from the deep and the ex lead singer of a now-disbanded group. Weird and freakish and takes pride in that fact; he lives for the thrill of controversy. Loves any and all attention it can get. Prone to outbursts when things don't quite go his way and makes it very clear whenever that happens. Not someone you'd want to be near unless you're a kind of sycophant.


tba lol

▶ DURI: ex-bandmate. acts very buddy-buddy with him despite it being a one-sided relationship; if you could even call it one. they are not on good terms and they make it absolutely clear they HATE eachothers guts, toge just goes about it in a very annoying way.
▶ RIKA: quote unquote "too freaky, even for him". toge is offput by their behaviour but otherwise does not have much to say about them as a person, he's moreso surprised duri can even withstand them.

▶ lacks an ink sac, therefore cannot change color #fail
▶ has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most public spaces

Toge is a vampling with a pale complexion and of very lithe build. Standing at 5'1ft, he heightens himself with the use of platforms and is seldom seen without them. His outer layer of hair is shiny and shifts between a black and red gradient; akin to metal. Inner layer is fleshy and covered in cirri. His hair is segmented into four parts, with three total slits and translucent lighter yellow webbing in them. His bangs are cut into fang-esque shapes with a midpart. He has striking light blue eyes and sharp bottom lashes. He lacks a mask. His ears are rounded and flopped downwards, akin to the fins of a vampire squid. One fang always sticks out from his mouth. Toge is known for his bold wardrobe; most commonly sporting a skin-tight latex bodysuit with matching thigh-high platform boots.