Al & Hectate (Alphonse)



1 year, 1 month ago


The sacrificial lamb offered to be slaughtered for the greater good. Such words perfectly describe Alphonse's betrayal at the hands of his elders when he was chosen to host a Great Calamity, an enemy for angel-kind. It was his chosen duty to be the holy vessel that would hold the great evil within him and then be slaughtered in order to be the martyr that finally brought down said devil. (WIP, hold on there's a lot to write about for these two asdlfkj;;)

  • 1/2 of the braincell duo
  • Usually goes by Al
  • He/Him
  • He's very tired from the years of dealing with another entity living inside his head and he's almost given up hope on getting rid of them
  • Just like every angel from the Upper Realms, he can transform his wings into a jacket
  • Was once a bright-eyed, young angel ready to take up any task delegated by his elders
    • but then those elders sealed a chatty eldritch-like demonic entity inside his body, so at that point his faith been completely shattered
  • Lawful neutral?