


1 year, 1 month ago


The ancient traitor
Name Blackscar

Former Names Blackkit

Gender Male (he/him)

Orientation Unknown

Former apprentice Milkpaw

Rank Warrior

Residence Loner

Death/resurrection age 51 moons (July 2023)


He is short-furred and mostly black alternated with dark gray. He has a whiter underbally and some lighter areas on his legs, neck and muzzle. A light gray star shape can be seen on his forehead. He has a long tail, and although his shape is lithe he is not skinny but pretty muscular. Those muscles easily show under his short fur during had efforts.

He has several scars across his body: a couple on his face around the right eye, claw marks on his sides and smaller ones on his legs. They are old, so their color is like dull rust.

Design notes
  • ✧ He has a white star on the forehead
  • ✧ Short fur
  • Can have yew leaves in his fur
  • ✧ Can hide deathberries between his toes
  • ✧ Muscular, but thin-shaped

Selfish, ambitious, cynical, power-driven. This cat doesn’t live for honor or loyalty, but through deception and fake appearances. For him, being powerful makes a warrior worthy of their name and that strength can be achieved in any way, regardless of the Warrior Code or any other morality.

He doesn’t like depending on others and his friendships are all purely strategic: everything and everyone has a specific purpose in his life, and he aims at controlling as much as possible through sly, cunning ways.

  • Leadership
  • Physical exercise
  • Control
  • Naivety
  • Inexperienced clanmates
  • Following orders


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan
History: the living world

Half-clan, born from a queen in Windclan and a Shadowclan tom. The queen died while giving birth and was brought up by an older she-cat that was nursing her kits at the time. The tom used to keep secret contact with his father, who taught him the ways of Shadowclan: Hawkfang passed his ambition down to him, convincing him that the warrior code made a clan weaker. The father also trained him in secret and instilled cynical ambition within him. Hawkfang dreamed too, one day, to sit at the leader’s place with Shadowclan at his command.
One day during the raid from another clan the father died, and Blackscar found it out during the next gathering. He kept on training harder and harder, often risking his life to show his skills off and prove his power and (fake) loyalty to his leader. He became more and more trusted, but still the deputy position was never under his paws.

One day the camp was evacuated, for a group of vicious hunting dogs (meant for a rabbit hunt) got free and started roaming on their territory. Blackscar was chosen to take part in the patrol to chase them out while the rest of the clan evacuated from camp, but the leader wasn’t aware of the actual number of dogs that run free on the moor, so it only sent out a small party with the intent of driving the dogs away without fighting.
The patrol scattered and fought off the first group of dogs, but soon they became surrounded and outnumbered. Blackscar realized that the patrol had been nothing but a sacrificial bait that would gain the clan more time to flee and felt betrayed by Brightstar’s decision, for he had given his whole life to Windclan and now his destiny was to succumb to the dogs for the sake of her and his clanmates in a useless, bloody battle. He chose to flee and hide in one of the many rabbit burrows while twolegs arrived with weapons and traps, ready to recollect their dogs and take them away.

Blackscar waited several days before returning to camp, finding out that the twolegs had left with the dogs and Windclan was back once more. But he was soon imprisoned and accused of treachery, since a survivor from the patrol,Batglare, had managed to get to the medicine cat and reveal Blackscar’s cowardly escape before dying of terrible injuries.
The tom tried to defend himself and accuse Brightstar of a cruel, already organized plan where he and his clanmates would have all died to the uncountable number of dogs that they had to face alone on the moor; that he was sure their leader had used them only as bait to sacrifice, because such a small patrol could never have survived in such an extreme situation. In a last, vain attempt to get his clan’s support, he recalled to them how much the tom had done for his clan despite his half-heritage, and that he deserved a place in it (not mentioning which one) after all he’d been through.

The leader sensed a threat in what Blackscar said, so she denied the accusations without admitting the terrible mistake of the strategy, and decided that he should be exiled as a traitor and coward.
Nevertheless, the tom never left the moorland. Living on the borders and in old rabbit tunnels, he spied on his old clan and visited the twolegplace, studying the place and planning his next moves. Blackscar never accepted his punishment and planned revenge on his own. He chose a particular garden and dug loosely under a fence, aware that a huge dog lived inside.
As a border patrol was led one day by the Windclan leader, Blackscar opened the fence and freed the way for a dog. He led it to the patrol and hid, letting them fight against the dog and waiting for the cats to scatter and get weakened. At the right moment he viciously attacked Brightstar in an attempt to kill her, but a support patrol called for the dog attack arrived just in time to stop them.

Blackscar was then brought back to camp as a prisoner and fed death berries by the medicine cat. After the execution, he was buried outside the clan territories without a proper ceremony.

Lore: in the Dark Forest

Blackscar took Milkpaw, a young Windclan apprentice fled from his clan after the loss of his family, as his own apprentice in the Place of No Stars. Unable to come back to life, his only way to affect the living world was now trying to influence living cats in order to control the clan life from outside.

He taught Milkpaw how to survive, hunt and fight as a dark forest would; trying to instill him the same ambition and cynical desires that his father had put into his head when he was younger. Milkpaw was naive but not cruel in any way, so that one day the apprentice decides to give up his training with Blacksar after his dead mother came to him in a dream.

Milkpaw then returned to Windclan, but Blackscar never forgot his revengeful feelings for the clan that had betrayed him and kept spying on the clan cats of the moor, waiting for a better opportunity to arise again and leave a unfadeable mark on the living world.


  • Prefix — When he was born he was mostly dark gray, almost like a black furball.
  • Suffix — As an apprentice his recklessness brought him to gain scars in young age.
  • Blackscar trained Milkpaw to return to Windclan and prove his worth to become a High Rank. He planned to manipulate the clan through him, but the plan failed when Milkpaw gave up and gained life-long injuries from a fire accident in Windclan.

Dark Forest apprentice

"That tom... he could have reached the highest power if only he'd listened to me. If only he hadn't given up. If only he hadn't weakened, that soft-heart...

Former Windclan leader, †

"She wasn't a leader, but a fool. Her mistakes led our warriors to their death, and me to an unfair exhile and execution. Wherever you are now, Brightstar, I hope that Starclan will judge you for what you have done."

Windclan leader

"Twilightstar seems to have more wits than her predecessor, but she's not bringing Windclan anywhere. She transformed my clan in a group of bunnies that hide in burrows all day, instead of fighting under the light of the sun and the breeze of the moor."

Former clanmate

"That traitor... I will never forget what you did to me. You should have died along with the others in the dogs' jaws. Then, maybe Brightstar would have understood what a stupid mistake she'd made instead of throwing all the fault onto me."

code by jiko