


1 year, 2 months ago


A fairly new addition to Lorry's potion Stock- and as such is still being tweaked.

This potion allows a subject to transition permanently to the opposite sex if they choose to. Much like the bio-bender, it changes the entire constitution of the subject. Only This time to opposite way as they were born- hormones and all- but while the mostly defunct Bio-Bender has the creation of children in mind, Insta-Trans helps the subject feel how they wish to in their own body.

Unfortunately, it's unclear what kind of effect it has on intersex subjects. However, Lorry would try to find a way to help should the occasion arise- but until then...

The potion must be ingested to take effect, and takes a few weeks to complete, and should be monitored by a doctor (Clora) to make sure the change goes smoothly.