Basic Info




Electrons (it/its)


Beast that lives in the blue screen of CRT tvs 


You can hear the air hum as it gets near. Static electricity crackles above the surface of its fur, causing the hairs to stand up as if weightless, or floating in water. Magnets distort its form in ways that might concern you, but at the same make it less tangible. 

To spend time around the televisions it occupies is a risk every time you switch the power on, but at the same time, it resents being left alone. In a way, you're safer keeping it company.

It has other names, some call it (Missing) Signal, or (The Thing From Channel) Zero-Zero. 

Art wishlist:

  • Any and all analog horror shenanigans
  • anti piracy screens
  • Glitchy and static effects
  • Something something cord spaghetti behind the tv
  • Climbing out of a TV or framed interestingly by one
  • Chewing on VHS tapes, cables, and other retro CRT-associated paraphernalia
  • Distorted by a magnet
  • Something something NES Zapper