
8 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info




The Divine Chevalier






"Only a fool thinks they can win a fight without honour."

Name: Althalos Momentoya
Full Title: The Divine Chevalier
Alignment: Infernal
Physical Age: 17
Actual Age: 700+
Skill type: Swords/Birds
Weapon('s): Single handed sword/ duel swords
Fighting Style: 
    Noble's fighting style is controlled and professional. Being a knight, he watches his attacks and his opponents, attacking accordingly. He is swift, strong and balanced, making sure not to risk the lives of his comrades. Noble is one of the stronger and more trained Infernal's, therefore he deems it his duty to keep the others safe. Because of this he considers their lives a lot more than his own while in combat. He takes leadership, (Or at least tries too, what with Dynamo being so reckless and unpredictable.) leading his group with confidence and seeking out the best path to victory.

 Black bird:  Noble is able to create small black bird type creatures, more than one can be summoned.
 Murder of Wild: - A large murder of what appears to be crow's are formed, these fly around at a rampant pace, clawing and tearing at what they can. These can also be used as cover as well as offensive.
          Murder of Wild (Transformation): - Noble transforms into a large murder of crows.
 Feather Dance - Thousands of sharp, knife-like feathers are shot at his foe, there is an addition to this moved called "cyclone" where the feather's spin around the foe at a rampant rate.
 Golden Edge - A large golden sword is formed and swing's in a circle around Noble.
 Golden Bastion -  A large golden, ornate shield is summoned to block oncoming attack's 


+ Training
+ Watching movies-
+ Parties (He rlly likes balls and masquerades dud)
+ Birds
+ His friendoes
+ Animals
+ Watching the others train

+ Spending time with his friendos

- Celestials
- Dynamo being a smart-ass to him--
- Apollo(?)
- Being ignored

- Friendies getting hurt
- When Lydia runs off without telling him


  • Controlled
  • Steady
  • Serious
  • Dignified
  • Bossy-
  • Loyal
  • Gallant

Noble easily considers himself one of the bravest Infernals. Having the instincts of a leader, his friends are quick to agree. Noble will risk anything for his friends and for the Infernal leader, Artemis. Fighting for everyone gives him a sense of purpose and on his honour, he won't see anyone he loves come to harm. This however can become a problem. As in battle, he often believes that he knows what is best for everyone, even in the event that nobody else agrees. He'll place his life on the line for another's that he loves and he can get a bit aggressive when nobody listens to him. Though despite the fact he can get pushy, he's always there for them and will listen and help when they need him to.  


Lydia Rowlett-  Having known each other since they first became Celestials, Noble and Lydia have become incredibly close. He treats her like a princess and acts as though he were a knight charged with her care... This includes sticking his nose in her business and being extremely protective and strict with her. He knows when he goes too far, but that still doesn't seem to stop him. She is important and he treats her as such, even more so as she may very well be his best friend if not family.

Dynamo - When the two first met, Noble could hardly stand the guy. He thought Dynamo was reckless and crude. It took a while but in a few years Noble found himself becoming fond of the rash and seemingly careless Infernal. That being said, now Noble's feelings toward Dynamo are rather strong. He knows very well what kind of person Dynamo is and how much danger he can put himself in, so Noble has made it his mission to keep the boy out of harms way.. which is honestly a draining task. The two have become great friends and look out for each other on and off the battlefield. At one point, Noble's feelings grew beyond friendship, but who knows if that's the case now.  
      Dual attack: Thunderbird - Summons a giant bird surrounded by an electric energy that swoops down on it's foes, attacking all in it's path.

Seraphim - Noble holds Seraph in a high regard, being a healer and of strong faith. Despite the other being lower in status and strength, that just means Noble has to take care of him on the battlefield. Noble can get rather annoyed with the boy's attitude. However he does find it amusing to a degree when Seraph mouths-off Celestials. So long as that attitude isn't directed at him, everything is fine.

Mirage - The two of them make the 'Dynamo protection crew' As they have come to the agreement that Dynamo is a reckless mess and must be taken care of at all costs. This mutual goal was the push they needed to really become friends. They get along for the most part and agree 80% on things that have to do with Dynamo, this of course means they find themselves agreeing on a few other things and when they tag-team on an opinion their will becomes immovable. Of course he does think that Mirage can be lazy and stubborn, but that's hardly enough to start an argument... usually

Irene Moore - Irene may be one of the more tolerable Celestials, however that doesn't mean Noble likes her at all. In fact it's quite the opposite. Years of fighting each other has made him almost tired of seeing her. Sure there are times that they get along, but those times are really only when Dynamo is around. 

Cornelius Whyte - These two have been at each other's throats since the day they met. Noble is absolutely convinced that Cornelius doesn't care about anyone but himself and that he has no business even being a Celestial. Honestly just looking at the guy urks him. Where Noble sees honesty as a virtue, Cornelius will easily lie to get what he wants, the two of them are always at odds. Don't let them talk to each other-

Leonardo Nickolas - Upon first meeting, Noble didn't really know what to think, and really only tolerated the Celestial because he seemed to be friends with Dynamo. Still even though Leo's loyalties seem to be a mess, Noble can't find it in him to trust the boy completely. If anything he's put-off by his attitude and would really be against him if it wasn't for Dyna's constant reassurance that Leo is on their side...technically?

Theme/ transformation/battle: 
L- Ice
Black Lair - Sakuzyo

History: - 


    ◉ Noble is incredibly sceptical about the Celestials and absolutely hates when Dyna or anyone hangs around them. That being said, he won't endorse violence if he doesn't have to, but he's a worried mess when he knows that someone he cares about is around them //cough Lydia, cough Dynamo.
   ◉ 'Noble' is actually just a nickname given to him by Dynamo, most likely because of how he carries himself obv.
   ◉ His real name is Althalos and doesn't mind being called that by those who know it. However nobody in the recent 100 years probably even know it unless it slipped from one of the older folk.