Makrom Vigila



1 year, 6 months ago


"[ O] Whether you like it or not, the camera never lies."

Basic info

PRONOUNShe/him & they/them
Indigo§Ink (#030948) [_______]
AGE19 sweeps  (38 human years)
TROLL TAGallnoiseInterpreter [AI]
OCCUPATIONInvestigative Reporter
STRIFE SPECIBUSshotgunKind & cameraKind
HIVEA three-room one bath apartment in Stronghold []
LUSUSA bluejay (Deceased)
INTERESTSHonest Journalism, Soap Operas, Gambling, Coffee Liqueur
QUIRKOn the Record Statements are in Perfect Grammar and Syntax, Prefixed with a Camera Emoji and Highlighted.[  O] Let me ask you this: What satisfaction do you find in your line of work?Off the Record Statements and General Conversation are in lowercase.this coffee is like a symphony to my tongue. got any more?
CLASSPECTSeer of Void* / Mage of Void*


Makrom Vigila is an middle-aged troll on the planet Repiton during the Reconstruction Era. Fascinated with history and the concept of the truth, Makron found himself in the world of journalism at a young age. After all, when there's a story, someone has to report on it, right? Makrom has always believed in documenting the real story, so he decided it was his turn to document it all.

A few years prior to Repiton being transported into the medium, Makrom began investigating the history of the Corporeasphere. Abandoned with little word from Corporate as to why, digging into the matter lead him to discover a second attempt being conducted. Makrom would contact the admins of the project for an interview, but the idea blew up in scope. Now, on the inside of the Corporeasphere II, he seeks to document the lives of the people inside. Though he is trying to understand the mission, he may just find a greater understanding of the real people inside.

  Good/neutral traits

  • Kind-Hearted
  • Passionate
  • Truth-Seeking
  • Observational
  • Determined

  Bad traits

  • Cryptic at Times
  • Unwavering, Bordering on Stubborn
  • Can Push Too Far Unknowingly






  ? Morton Destio (SilentNeptune)

  • Morton and Makrom were members of the Corporeasphere II project. Though they interacted throughout of the duration of the experiment, the two maintained a professional acquaintance. Unexpectedly, the two would find a connecting point as Morton's mentor, Roslin, was one of the members of the first Corpoeasphere. Though Makrom wished to know more, this would become a point of contention since Morton refuses to speak on it.
    When Reption was thrust into the Medium and the Corporeasphere II project was halted, Makrom accompanied Morton back out to Stronghold 21. The two would end up in Roslin's old lab, digging up old files on the first mission. As the two left, they would have a bonding moment, and as such, the two have started feeling pale for the other.




  • Winona Willey (Rigamo12)
    • Both are investigative journalists on the scene in Stronghold 21, acting as almost as rivals. They just keep running into each other as their investigations collide. As they do, they team up to accomplish their goals, but their intentions couldn't be further from each other. Makrom is a journalist for the principle of it; The truth should prevail. Meanwhile, Winona's likes the thrill of hunt, the idea of the world is hers to play with. It troubles Makrom, but it makes him curious. Who is Winona, really?
  • Skojar Dycrum (SilentNeptune)
    • When Makrom was a young adult, Makrom began investigating a troll believed to be the leader of an up-and-coming cult. As he began digging further, Makrom would end up chasing the tail of Skojar, leading to a game of cat and mouse between them. However, Skojar's intentions changed with time, leading to something more playful. Maybe even flirtatious? Whether it is one-sided or not is still up in the air...
  • Vialae Contin (bq_)
    • Makrom and Vialae were members of the Corpoeasphere II project. Makrom, always curious, sought to learn more about Vialae. Vialae, on the other hand, refuses to be percieved. Her own fear of being known drives a wedge between the two. They can be professionally coordial to each other, but Vialae loathes Makrom's presence. Unfortunately for Makrom, he (currently) just thinks Vialae's camera shy.
  • Mallum Phaino (@spurik)
    • Makrom and Mallum met during Makrom's investigation into the Corpoeasphere I project. Their connection lead to Makrom's on-boarding onto the second mission as the official documentarian. Once in person, the two grew found of each other, noting similar mentalities and a love for soap operas. Though they each are professionals with their own objectives, the duo can be considered friends.


  Band - Song


  • Makrom comes from a butchered spelling of the word Macro. Vigilia is the Latin verb for "to watch" or "to guard." Effectively, the name Makrom Vigilia directly means The Overarching Observer.
  • The Vigilia sign, the alchemical sign for Lodestone, is in reference to a compass, or knowing where the direction. It symbolizes the nature of Makrom's determination to find the truth. 
  • Makrom's lusus, a bluejay, is a bird that may choose to migrate during the winter. This correlates with the Vigilia symbol of the loadstone: The idea that the Bluejay will always return to it's home.
    • Bluejays that migrate, however, are hypothesized to live shorter lives.
  • If Makrom was a Pokemon Trainer, his team would consist of Inteleon, Gardevoir, (Shiny) Ninetails, Slowking, Corviknight, and Leafeon.