Silly Cheese Toy's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Voeki Global Rules


Credit even if you redesign it. 

Please try not to lose the original file/drawing of the design as I will likely not have it if you ask for it. 


Do not add yourself as a additional designer if you don't change enough to it. Do not add yourself as a additional designer if you just "drew it better" that is not redesigning. 

If I remove my credit and put "N/A" it is no longer a "Voeki" and is null and void and I want nothing to do with it. Do not try and re credit in this case not even to my dA. I remove all association of Voeki to the design if I do that for reasons that I will not explain. 

It is preferred you do not sell the designs on amino or raffle off Voeki designs ! If you sell a design to someone without a toyhouse keep it in yours as "SOLD" until they get a toyhouse as it is preferred the designs do not leave toyhouse but I can't control this. 

If you ever do not want a design you are free to give it back! Prefer that over them going to the freebie areas first! Please do not ever delete them! If you don't want them anymore just give them back and I'll rehome them or I will delete them myself! Prefer they don't be hidden but that is ok if they are:) as they are yours now! Do not donate them to free areas / shelter with fake currency things I don't want that for them please. Nor areas where they'll just be traded around endlessly just give it back in that case. 

Don't sell for more without extra art. It is worth as much as you bought it for without extra art. You cannot sell a point adopt for USD. Prefer you resell for points or art/trade value. If you add on commissioned art that's fine or art but don't do this without art add on. 

Please don't upsell / overprice for ridiculous amounts. Please be realistic. 

You cannot use designs commercially without paying a fee (commercial fee. Please discuss as this can vary depending on what you want to do!) you can't use these designs in / resell as NFTs.  

You can't turn the designs into a species / cs or open. (you can for a existing cs as a secondary design to it if you ask however.)

You cannot sell ANYTHING you got for free or in a raffle only retrade or art. Unless you add on art you commissioned or made yourself. 

Failure to respect this ends in blacklist. Don't make me have to do that please.

Don't give to anyone on the public blacklist. 

If you are blocked / block. You are blacklisted even if not listed publically.

If I've blocked you or you've blocked me, please don't seek out my designs! or do it for someone that is. please respect my boundaries. If you ever want to make amends if we have had past issues or you're on the blacklist, feel free to reach out on dA. I am always open to talking things out!

If you’re selling a design of mine, the best way to check if someone who isn’t on this list is blacklisted, just send me a dm and ask if said buyer is blocked but once they leave here I have very little control over that. it is just something I prefer. 

You can keep ones you already have prior to the block/blacklist but if you get rid of them you can't obtain them again. 

Please do not use the designs in pedophilic / incestuous things or anything promoting a hateful agenda (ex: transphobic, homophobic)

At the end of the day I cannot keep track of everything happening or control what you do with something you paid for nor do I particularly care to once a design is sold off as it no longer exists to me and I detatch myself from them but please try to respect these things! 

Additional TOS here: and blacklist here:

Please form your own opinions and just respect I don't want my designs to go to these people. 

you agree to this by owning / receiving a design by Voeki.Â