Neru Doi



1 year, 2 months ago


subrosa member 2 yayyy

Name: Nebokeru Doi

Nickname: Neru

Gender: Female

Faction: Subrosa

Personality: Neru is someone overall well-meaning who goes about it in the wrong ways. She truly believes that supporting Subrosa and exterminating those related to the Dark Gate will protect the world, and this belief hides any doubts about what she's doing deep within her mind. She always acts on her convictions and beliefs, but as she has been with Subrosa from a young age, they have influenced her a lot. Neru isn't one to forget things - be it a grudge or a favor - and will always repay what she believs is owed. Help her out and she'll help you; hurt her and she'll hurt you back.

Deck: Honesthesia (I made this archetype up)

Gate: Gate III (Earth)

Story: w.i.p.

Partner(romntically): --

Friends: Seikyu Ashikaga(basically sees Seikyu like an older sister)

Enemies: Rino Tsuji, Obstacles to Subrosa(which tends to include Yutsura more often than not), Dark Gate, Light Gate (partially)


-Close friends with Seikyu

-Holds a big grudge against Rino but can never beat him in a duel

-Relatively high ranked in Subrosa, but due to her personality, unaware of many of the bigger things going on

-Eventually becomes friends with the main cast, but it takes a while, especially because she's very wary of Rino

-Knows the truth about Rino being half-Dark Gate

Design Notes:

-The flower-looking thing on her cloak is supposed to be a rose with six thorns sticking out

-All of the darker blue parts of her hair are connected