Amaya Suzuki



1 year, 2 months ago


Amaya Suzuki


Cis female (she/her)


“Music became a beacon of hope, illuminating a path to a brighter tomorrow.”

Amaya Suzuki (also known as AyaMa) is a member of Mysthos' notorious idol pair "Crystal Crescendo" who performs alongside Eiza Usoro, who goes by the moniker EiZara. Ayama was born into a dysfunctional and impoverished family with a somber history. She had already endured countless challenges at such a young age, including her parents' addiction and inability to provide a secure and supportive home for her. Both of them were able to pursue their dream vocations thanks to the assistance of Eiza, a classmate since middle school.

Amaya sought refuge in music at a young age, embracing it as an escape from her unhappy circumstances. However, tragedy struck when her parents were killed in a car accident, leaving her orphaned and alone. She was put into the care of distant relatives who were unconcerned about her well-being.

Amaya resorted to her love of music as a guiding light when she was struggling with grief, bereavement, and a lack of emotional support. She poured her heart and soul into honing her musical abilities, using it to heal her own wounds and find meaning in the midst of the evil that surrounded her. She eventually had the opportunity to display her ability and pave her route to becoming an idol via hard work, perseverance, and the assistance of a few kind-hearted persons who recognized her talent.

Amaya is a vivacious and enthusiastic lady with a captivating personality. She is well-known for her upbeat and bright personality, which always exudes optimism wherever she goes. Ruby has a warm and caring heart, and she frequently shows a nurturing side to others, going out of her way to make them feel loved and supported. While she may appear meek and timid at first, she possesses a strong inner power that shines through when confronted with hardships. She is tenacious and resilient, constantly pushing herself to overcome her worries and develop as a person. She is deeply passionate about music and performance, pouring her emotions into her work and enchanting audiences with her moving performances. Ruby's positivity and passion are contagious, making her a valuable resource.


  • confident
  • zestful
  • quixotic
  • mellifluous


  • travelling
  • art
  • social media
  • what he thinks is "5-star cuisine"
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