Midday Moon



9 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Oct 22


Three years have past since the mirror last appeared and it has almost become a legend. If anything its a fun story to scare foals with. "Don't look in the mirror in the dark and say her name three times or Fillyshtoon will come and rip you apart. She will then sew you together with other ponies and make a monster out of your flesh!!!" Quite terrifying for a child really. Three years had past and life had moved on. Many of the reflected had relocated to the island nation of Acordia (The island discord rules over. A whole island of Acordians!!) where there was no discontent or blame shed upon them for something they had no control over. Some of the reflected such as Prince Midnight Sun, the Apple Family's Appledash and others chose to remain in Equestria. One night three now adolescent fillies decided to play a game. They challeneged the stories they stories they heard as fillies and decided to gather round the largest mirror they could find. It happened to be one in the glass shop in town. It only took a little breaking and entering! The three friends looked into the glass and together said "Fillyshtoon" three times. Much to their dismay they recieved neither an audiance with the terror of legend or their cutie marks. Darn. The next day the mirror was packaged up and shipped off to the castle. Both Luna and Celestia were extatic to recieve their commission finally. The design was based on an old on Princess Twilight found in the deapths of the castle. It was a design both sisters recalled as foals having their mother brush their manes in front of. When the mirror was unveiled a bright flash followed by a swirling mist clouded the glass. From it stepped a foal, much as before. It seemed the enchanted mirror of Fillyshtoon had returned! The mirror wobbled and then dissapeared. It looked as though it was the story of the Reflected...THE SEQUAL!! *ominous music plays* The small foal wasn't an egg or even a young foal. He was an adolescent. He gave his head a shake and his foot a stomp. He narrowed his eyes and looked expectantly at the two princesses and spoke, "Well, What now?" He didn't have a name, so the sisters chose Mid-day moon. It seemed a fitting compliment to the older brother of Midnight Sun, who watched with aprehension and thought many hours on how to best interact with the teen. His painted pony coloring and snarky nature led the princesses to believe that he was in fact a physical representation of their conflict from years ago. In hopes to prevent another Nightmare Moon from coming forth they pressured him to study all of the conflicts in history and what led to them with a particular emphasis on the spat between the sisters. As a teen he was left for long hours to study on his own. He became socially awkward and distrustful of anyone in a position of power. When his distrust became know the sisters acted in his best intrest and blocked his advancing alicorn magic. They then sent him to stay with the princess of friendship *which he felt was exceedingly lame and a title for the sake of having one* to learn about friendship and trust. He did his best to ignore the overfriedly princess and opts to spend his days wandering through the town aimlessly. Mid-day moon is a socially awkward and grumpy yound man. He is a litteral mash up of the two sisters and while they saw it as a litteral representation of conflict and something to be feared, he is more a blending of two very different people. He flies on Luna's wingas and runs on Celestia's feet. His horn is a blend of the two halves working together. He has yet to find his tallent, but as he grows he will find that he is here to bring peace and rule fairly. While Celestia is to raise the sun and Luna's to watch the night and raise the moon, someone must watch over the people without distraction. A partnership of two brothers perhaps.