White Ram



6 years, 2 months ago


Warning –– Dragon Age: Inquisition Spoilers

Appearance Credit: https://imgur.com/a/uxJtN#0

♠ General

Name: White Ram

Pronunciation: white ram 

Titles: Hissrad, Inquisitor, Herald of Andraste, Lady Inquisitor, Lady White Ram

Nickname(s): Ram, Boss (from Iron Bull), Freckles (from Varric)

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Age: 29

Race: Qunari

Nationality: Par Vollener

Voice: American

♠ Birth

Birthday: Verimensis 11th, 9:12 Dragon

Birth Place: Qunandar, Par Vollen

♠ Appearance

Height: 6' 7" (200 cm)

Weight: 185 lb (84 kg)

Body Type: Muscular/Hourglass

Skin Color: Light Gray-Brown

Hair Color: White

Hair Style: pulled back into bun, a bit longer than shoulder-length when down

Eye Color: Teal

Eye Type: Round

Eyebrow Color: Dark Gray

Eyebrow Type: thick, straight

Eyelash Color: Dark Gray

Eyelash Length: Long

Nose Shape: Nubian

Face Shape: Oval

Chin Size: Small

Facial Hair: None

Ears: pointed, small

Horns: sloped up, long

Facial Scars: None

Tattoos: None

Other: freckles across face

♠ Wardrobe & Image

Favorite Skyhold Outfit: The Midnight Tower

Favorite Armor: Stone-Bear Armor (light gray, red, white, black)

Makeup: purple-brown lipstick, black eyeliner

Natural Scent: smoke and old books

Main Color Scheme: black, white, gray, teal, red, white, brown

♠ Personality

MBTI Personality Type: ISTJ

General Description of Personality: practical, ambitious, disciplined, patient, careful, reserved, empathetic, kind, can be humorous, usually pessimistic, grudging, honest, direct, strong-willed, dutiful, calm, stubborn, judgmental, can be insensitive, adapts well, very responsible, always by the book, often unreasonably blames herself, good at creating and keeping order, good at getting people to like and want to follow her

♠ Social

Family: Unknown

Notable Family Members: None

Usual Party: Iron Bull, Cole, Dorian (Solas was the party’s mage before Doom Upon All The World)

Close Friend(s): Cassandra, Leliana, Iron Bull, Cole, Dorian

Friend(s): Cullen, Varric, Vivienne, Solas (before Trespasser)

Disliked Follower(s): None

Pet(s): None

Alliances: Rebel Mages, Red Jenny, Vivienne's Mages, Grey Wardens, Briala

Agent(s): Horsemaster Dennet, Belle, Gereon Alexius, Gaspard's Ex-Mercenary, Florianne de Chalons, Dagna, Michel de Chevin

Reputation: strong fighter and leader, good manners "for a Qunari" (because people are racist), former follower of the Qun become Tal-Vashoth, battled a nobleman in Val Royeaux for the right to court her lover (and was stopped and scolded by her for it before anyone got hurt), outsmarted Florianne de Chalons

Sociability: good at steering and controlling a conversation, would rather not engage in social situations but knows she has to

Social Class before Inquisition: Middle Class

Language(s): King's Tongue, Qunlat

♠ Romance & Orientation

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Romantic Orientation: Biromantic

Gender Orientation: Cisgender

Significant Other(s): Josephine Montilyet

♠ Health

Diseases: None

Physical Disorders: None

Mental Disorders: None

Physical Disabilities: None

Developmental Disabilities: None

Learning Disabilities: None

♠ Philosophy

Religion: The Qun

Alignment: True Neutral

Virtues: Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Gratitude

Vices: Wrath, Pride

♠ Character

Hobbies: reading, practicing magic

Mannerisms: almost always has her arms crossed, stands/sits up straight (to appear bigger and more dangerous), takes up quite a bit of space (sometimes meaning to and sometimes subconsciously), sometimes sleeps sitting up (so she can see in almost every direction in case there's danger)

Humor: witty jokes, dark jokes

Habits: cracks knuckles, rubs the fur along her armor

Phobias: None

Greatest Fear: becoming a Saarebas or Tranquil

Self-Confidence: Good

Self-Control: Very Good

Self-Esteem: Good

♠ Combat

Class: Mage Knight-Enchanter

Weapon(s): Bloodwake (staff), conjured knight-enchanter weapons

Strengths: aim, has a lot of stamina, good at using two-handed weapons

Weaknesses: not a fast runner, bad with any rogue-related weapons, conspicuous

♠ Story Information

Archetype: Ruler

Enneagram: The Reformer

Name Inspiration: similar to The Iron Bull giving himself a name like a strong animal, and also her hair is white

Theme Song: "Roots" by In This Moment

Backstory: White Ram was born under the Qunari with no name and separated from her mother to be educated as soon as she was born, as is the way of the Qunari. She was trained and taught with her peers by Qunari educators, and showed promise with her strength, intelligence, and willingness to obey commands. 

When she turned twelve, she was going to be assigned under the Ariqun to be trained to be a priest and educator of the ways of the Qun, but she was far better suited to be assigned under the Arishok and join the Qunari military, Antaam. Since the Qunari believe that females can't fight in the Antaam, she was referred to as an Aqun-Athlok, female-born who are referred to as male whether they actually want to identify that way or not, but who choose to since they fit so well under the Arishok. This is why she was nicknamed White Ram (ram being a male sheep), and why other Qunari referred to her as a he. It doesn't really bother her, since gender doesn't matter much to the Qunari past gender roles and reproduction. She was given a greatsword as her weapon and tool (a tool is an extremely important weapon given to all Qunari who are of age).

In the Antaam, she became friends with a Qunari nicknamed Quillback. She and him often fought together for practice. Eventually, after many years of being together, they started having feelings for each other, but they had to keep those feelings a secret among themselves, since it's not allowed for members of the Qun to fall in love. Their caretakers were suspicious of them, however, and Ram and Quillback were sent to the Ben-Hassrath, under the jurisdiction of the Ariqun, to be reeducated. After years of reeducation, she eventually joined the Ben-Hassrath and was reassigned to the Dangerous Questions branch, and thus, no longer needed a tool-weapon and could be regarded as female again. Her name didn't change since she’d already had it for so long, and it stuck. Under this branch of the Ben-Hassrath, her job was to be a Hissrad, a spy, and gather intel that she could bring back to the Qun. 

At one point, she was assigned to disguise herself as a Tal-Vashoth, under a different name, and join a Valo-Kas mercenary band. The group she was in consisted of five other mercenaries, one of whom was a human mage. Whenever Ram saw them doing magic, she was fascinated. She asked them if they could teach her how to use magic, since she knew that she had the ability to (but had never used it out of fear). They began to teach White Ram the art of magic, and she picked it up quickly. In fact, she grew to be exceptional at it, so much so that she was almost as good as them. However, Ram seldom used this power against others, because if it ever somehow got back to the governing Qunari, it could result in her enslavement or assassination.

When the Divine arranged a conclave at the Temple of Sacred Ashes to make peace between the mages and templars, the group of six were one of the many mercenary bands hired to keep order and security. Ram’s superiors were approving of this as they were also eager to have spies at the conclave. The group traveled to the temple and tried to do their job, only to have the explosion that opened the Breach kill or scatter them… while White Ram found herself in quite a situation.

At first, she kept up her charade as a Tal-Vashoth mercenary in front of her new allies, but when the Inquisition recruited The Iron Bull, he knew almost right away, especially from her fighting style and behavior, that she had been trained under the Qun and was not Tal-Vashoth. He confronted her about it a few days later, and recommended that she tell her companions about it before they figured it out themselves. She thought about it and followed his advice, and it didn't change their opinions about her nearly as much as she thought it would, because even though she's a Qunari and reported back to the Ben-Hassrath, Iron Bull was a Hissrad too, and they both still want to close the Breach and save people. However, she found her loyalty to the Qun wavering more and more every day, especially after The Iron Bull became Tal-Vashoth himself months later.

And eventually, as she made less of an effort to conceal it and found she was incredibly good at it, the Qun discovered through other spies that she was a magic-user. She was ordered to come back to Par Vollen, though she knew why, and Bull assumed the same. The Qun view magic as irredeemably dangerous for the individual, and they wanted her to become a Saarebas. If that wasn’t an option, or the Anchor proved too dangerous, they would kill her. Needless to say, the Qun did not take well to the letter she sent refusing to come alone, and in reply, she was banished from the Qun. She had become a Tal-Vashoth. Multiple assassins were sent after her but none succeeded.

As a spy for the Qun, White Ram had always been taught to say specific things and pretend she was someone other than who she really was in order to please people. With Josephine and her friends’ insistence, and her no longer needing to spy and report back to anyone, Ram started learning that she could be her own person. As a result, the feelings she’d had for Josephine became something she could finally act upon.

♠ Skyhold

Throne: Par Vollen

Bed: Orlais

Banner: Inquisition

Drapery: Par Vollen

Heraldry: Inquisition

Decor: Orlais

Windows: Inquisition

Major Upgrades: Herb Garden, Infirmary, Mage Tower

♠ Favorite...

Dragon Age Animal: Red Lion

Mount: Imperial Warmblood

Area: Emprise Du Lion

Color: Purple

Season: Winter

Weather: Windy

Time of Day: Evening

Food: Sugared Plums

Drink: Herbal Tea

Tavern Song: "Nightingale's Eyes"