


1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info




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In the Desolate Hallways

A mischievous nekomata from Inazuma who currently resides in Liyue as a body guard. Although she spends most of her time watching over the children of Liyue or chilling in the mountains of dragonspine.

Name Fuyuki Koneko

Age 100+

Gender Female

Birthday February 22nd

Weapon Blade

Vision Cryo

Constellation Felis Regulus

Nation Inazuma/Liyue

Affiliation Local Yokai

Occupation Body Guard

Special Dish Nekomata's Meal

Local Specialty Noctilucous Jade

Fuyuki has a short feminine figure with little muscle and soft skin. She also has many notable scars like the one along her cheek to her lip and a gaping chest scar that extends to her stomach. She has cream colored cat ears on the top of her head with brown tufts inside them and a bell tassel charm to match her friend Aki. Her hair is shades of cream and brown and reaches down to her midriff and covers her left eye which isn’t visible in her human form. Her outfit consists of a white and brown haori with slits in the shoulders and a nekomata design on the sleeves and dark gray hakama style pants. She occasionally wears zori or just tights to protect her feet. She has shimenawa ropes with tanabata slips on them along her wrists, neck, shoulder, and tails. Being a Nekomata she has two tails and can turn into a cat. Her cat form is one of a cream and brown maincoon cat, she is a little bigger than your average cat. She still has her cheek scar and bell ear charm plus jagged black fur along her tummy.

Fuyuki is a yokai spirit who has gained human form recently. In this new form she found new friends Aki and ___. She considers them her siblings and they are the closest things she has to family.

With her siblings she joined the Shogun’s army to raise money for her shrine. When Aki received his vision they had decided to run away, their plans fell apart quickly and had a standoff with Kujou Sara and other shogunate members. During this scuffle __ fell in the Musoujin gorge and Fuyuki jumped in to save them. The waves were too strong and they were both impaled by the rocks below. ___ died on impact while Fuyuki survived and crawled out of the icy waters and received her vision from this tragedy.

Aki and her regrouped and were able to steal a shogunate ship and sailed it to Liyue where Fuyuki to this day still resides.

Elemental Skill Calico Counter

Fuyuki channels her energy into her blade and parries incoming attacks. Perfect counters trigger a shield.

Elemental Burst Frost Fang

Fuyuki chomps into her enemy causing piercing pain and corrosion damage. This also infuses her sword with Cryo for 8 seconds.

Normal Attack Feral Slashes

Fuyuki rapidly hacks at the enemy up to 5 times consecutively.

Utility Passive Cats Always land on their feet

Decreases fall damage of your characters in the party by 50%.


"I babysit her all the time, so I think of her as my little sister. She's very forgetful but we're making a lot of progress and she can finally remember my face. I'm so proud of her! "


"He's my brother from Inazuma! Although nowadays he's always in Sumeru...If you run into him tell him to visit me more!"


"She’s my training partner and mountain climbing buddy. She looks very scary at first but she’s super strong and sweet! I couldn’t ask for a better person to keep me in check and help me babysit."

You saw a cat around here?!

Uh no I have no clue where it went haha...