


1 year, 2 months ago





NameButtercup Taloft
OccupationAcolyte and Saloon owner
ResidenceDeville, Saloon Inn

"I'm not givin' you the luxury of last words." 


Buttercup is relatively closed off and reluctant to divulge information about himself that he deems personal. Despite this, he goes out of his way for strangers if they make good first impressions, and is a bleeding heart of compassion. This fights in his head with his quick-to-violence tendencies, constantly leaving him in dire situations. If others are threatened he's a little too quick to use his axe,  but hesitates to fight back if its someone he cares about, even if they're trying to kill him.

He cares about the people he holds close dearly, particularly Blair and Lottie, seeing as he's been with them the longest. He's fiercely loyal, willing to set aside his morals if someone he cared for asked it of him.
He's notably good with kids? Usually, at least.

Buttercup is rarely found sitting still, always fidgeting or shifting from foot to foot and looking around. While he tries to have good posture, he's most often found hunched over talking to whoever is next to him. When nervous his fidgeting becomes hand wringing, ears drooped and tail flicking behind him. He'll either begin to stutter and struggle with his sentences or quiet down to one or two word responses, closing up entirely.

Shows affection by gift giving, hanging out around people, and physical touch. He's generous to a fault, always putting others first because he's used to being able to care for himself. 


Buttercup (Also known as Taloft) is a large anthropomorphic highland cow, with fluffy orange hair covering his eyes and going to his shoulders in a sort of mullet. His nose is half pink and half brown. He has a combination of human and cow teeth due to some external circumstances, resulting in sharp canines, now sharper then average with the addition of the spark's changes. Forgoing a shirt he wears a thick leather jacket with gold buttons, jean shorts, and embroidered arm guards with bells around his wrists. He has gold earrings and a gold band on his left horn.

Flowers have started to grow on him ever since Thistle gifted him a sliver of her soul, and its mainly been small buttercups blooming on his hair, torso, and tail. Recently he has allowed wither roses to grow, with the careful pruning of the sharp thorns.

He has what many like to call 'grandpa glasses', which rest on the edge of his snout over his bangs. Underneath said bangs are dark red eyes, purple at the edges where the source has taken hold. The fur around the eyes is stained the bright blue colour aswell.

The arm guards are a dark red, with a darker red border with golden embroidered symbols lining the edges. The back of the guard has a wither rose symbol on it. The bells on the guard are worn and engraved with more enchantments. Underneath the left armguard lay his lifemarks, which represent the three original lives he was allotted in a previous world, now irrelevant because of the nature of Sockscraft's infinite respawns. All of his lifemarks are a deep black-red colour, and look as if they've decayed. The first lifemark, the one closest to his elbow, is shattered and clearly has the worst of the decay, a large slash cuts it in half.

The second has a piercing shot in the middle where cracks splinter out of, sectioning the lifemark into shards. The third and final closest to his wrist is a wreck. Almost unrecognizable as even heart-shaped it looks as if a firework was engraved into his flesh. Gold resembling cracks shoot out from the mark and dig into his skin, a reminder of a totem used before. Before being cured of the sculk, it too grew from the lifemark in the same fashion as the totem scarring.

Previous Appearances 
Before being cured of the sculk, he had a dark blue skulk growth with bio-luminescent spots peeking out of the right side of his jacket shoulder and trailing down his torso. Before he had cut it off, he had sculk growth on his horns aswell, and a strand of it imitating hair down his bangs.

During his krampus punishment for denying the sculk cure at first, he took on a Warden appearance. A deep gash in his right side glowed with light blue soul matter, ribs poking out of it at an unnatural angle. The sculk had made its way further up his neck, and trailed down his fur in strands all over his body. Something resembling a flower-crown of wither roses grew out of where his eyes would be located. The buttercups that used to be on his body were overtaken with the wither roses.



Marigold and Buttercup’s relationship is founded on necessity and a mutual need for close relationships. A purely situational thing that ended up growing as they developed a more genuine and deep friendship + silent understanding of eachother. They don’t talk about their relationship because theres technically never one going on. Theres a major communication issue of simply never talking things out ever and mutually ignoring the others faults in favour of staying together. Its very influenced by the Incredibly unbalanced power dynamic Marigold and Buttercup have;

Marigold’s social status and how they leverage that against Buttercup vs Buttercup’s physical strength and status as a feared outlaw. Marigold only gets away with things because they talk their way out of it and because they have Buttercup as a weapon. And they both know it. Marigold’s twisting words vs Buttercups bluntness.

Marigold uses Buttercup as a tool, the genuine caring is an accidental side effect. Their view on the relationship is way more complicated than how Buttercup views it.

Buttercup uses Marigold as a situationship. Hes Vaguely opposed to closeness as hes typically traveling, but the more Marigold finds him instead of vice versa, the more it grows on him.

At some point this turns bitter, a situationship meant to be hands off and never mentioned became a factor of their lives against both of their wishes. Buttercup moving on from being an active outlaw to travelling with Blair and Lottie messed up the routine and made him more aware that Yeah, hes unhappy with only being a tool. He wants to be more than that.

(Buttercup is unaware Marigold has come to see Buttercup as important to them and on mostly equal standing, BUT, Marigold has never shown this straight-up so can you blame him.)

Though! Even during this very strained section, Buttercup would occasionally crack and indulge in Marigold’s antics, at least until things finally burst on both ends. Marigold expressing their frustration at Buttercup seemingly without any warning ditching them and their work; Buttercup snapping about Marigold only ever using him.

They do not talk. For like. 3 years.

The main aspect of their relationship is Very apparent when they reconnect in Sockscraft. Neither of them talk about their previous issues, instead dancing precariously around the subject and avoiding stressful topics. It occasionally comes up and always ends in a fight. They do not usually finish the fights, one or the other storming off or abruptly ending the conversation. Buttercup treats Marigold coming over as like a relief, he can be A Version Of Himself around Marigold, its stifling and restrictive in an old familiar way.

Marigold is just happy Buttercup is talking to them again.

Thats really what their relationship is. Its saying ‘I swear this is the last time’ and pretending thats not a lie. It’s ignoring eachothers faults in favour of keeping eachother close. They Do Not Communicate Their Issues. This is the crux of everything. This changed briefly before Buttercup’s death.

He’d put his life on the line for this little kid he adopted, shes his pride and joy and inspires him to be a better person every day. She gives him hope.
Casey Crowley  good friends  | Casey basically shovel talked this guy, because shes Lottie’s old partner that died and has been haunting him. And Buttercup can see ghosts. They got over the awkward stage though theyre buddies now.


Important context: He was born human and stays human until an event.
Was born in the Nether and lived there in a Bastion until around 13-14, their birthname (now surname as an adult) was Taloft, and he still identifies with the name. They know "galactic" because he spoke it during that time period as that world's piglin language. They got lost one day attempting to find two overworlders they frequently played with, and ended up in a soulsand valley, being lost in these for long periods of time drives people insane; starting with hearing things, and then seeing faint ghosts in your vision. Soon enough, the voices transformed into a more cohesive force and offered them a way out of this place if they accepted them. They do so, and is consequently led to a flickering nether portal that they enter, and is deposited in an overworld meadow of buttercups. The nether portal broken behind them since he used the last of its magic. The meadow they landed in is their current namesake.

After this, they struggle to adapt to the Overworld's society and turns to crime because of a series of miscommunications and cultural differences. Around 15 he solidifies his deal with the Nether God the voices are connectted to. This continues even after they learn Common and co-indices with their transition to male. At 19-21~ he train-hops on a wrong train and accidentally hops worlds, ending up in a more savanna-desert esc world. He makes friends with a fellow outlaw imp named Marigold, he takes on a more proactive outlaw approach because of this and ends up in more violent situations because of it. Later on he meets Blair and Lottie.

Present Day

Helped found DeVille and runs the Saloon and Inn at the front of town with Clementine. 

An acolyte of the Nether Blood god, as such hes happy to participate in violent activities and has a flurry of spirits he's dubbed the 'voices' that  follow him. They're rambunctious and often trail off to follow people he talks to around. They also have no hold on ethics. Due to respawning and soul issues, the voices gained the ability to possess him for periods of time without issue, he tends to use these times as a respite despite the headaches hes left with afterwards.

Quite good at blood magic and sigil work, even if it takes a lot out of him. Has also made a hobby out of woodcarving when time allows  it. One of his many 'achievements' include Raising Someone (Shock) from the Dead using only a Section of Soul, Blood, Someone else's donated  section of soul, and a necromancy sigil. He wouldn't say they're the same person anymore, but he did it. 

He has an original Sliver of human soul, Majority cow soul, and then a section of water imp spark from an incident.

Major events, in order but not necessarily one right after the other 

  • Joined Sockscraft
  • Sculked by Cato after pushing his buttons too far
  • Lost final lifemark to Deep Dark and while the body respawned, the Voices inhabited it since his soul wasnt there. They sacrificed Biscotti to lure his soul back into his body
  • Made a deal with the Source, they get his eyes and many of the  voice's eyes, and they don't control his body (without permission) or infect Blair or Lottie
  • Accepted the Choir after having an awful Deimos haunting and then being told Cato killed Oracle.
  • Was sent to Tartarus by Blair and Oracle for a week. The event still  haunts him, but he tries not to show it. During this time period he reflected and took the steps to cure the Choir and trim back the sculk he had grown used to.
  • The Krampi offered him a cure to the sculk, he hesitated and so they punished him by making him a Warden until he did accept. Lasted 3~ days
  • During this time SEF gave him the Memory Amnesiac as an invitation to join the trio. This pushed him to accept the Cure.
  • Killed Deep Dark Sys right after being Cured
  • Later got resculked by Echelon
  • Hydrangeas from previous Curing kicked it and prevented the sculk from taking hold
  • Was killed by Oracle for killing Deep dark


He was born with basically a genetic defect of the soul, think Magically immunocompromised. Aka very tiny soul. Later as an adult, his soul gains more things slapped onto it. Currently he's got a Little Bit of Human, Mostly Cow, Infernal magic, and Magic Plant Fae Soul From Thistle. It's a bit of a wreck in there.

He knows a variety of instruments and is generally very skilled at music. Guitar, Banjo, Harmonica, Piano, and fiddle. After the loss of his fingers he's had to relearn how to play these instruments, and its been extremely emotionally taxing for him.

Hes a big giant nerd. He particularly enjoys magic studies and battle strategy. 

His handwriting is slow and only mildly legible, a result of being illiterate for quite a few years. For the same reason, even after he learned how to write, he signs his name with a flower symbol instead.

Credit to hukiolukio!