✦ Ghoulprowl



1 year, 2 months ago



A massive grey and blue maine coon tom with an oddly colored eye, has a particularly muscular frame.

I pay for my sins with my sacrifices.

| nomenclature

Ghoul - originally 'Gull', changed for his violent and ghoulish behavior.
Prowl - an excellent hunter, known for his silent prowl.

| age


| birth season


| gender

male | he/it

| orientation


| story

Ghoulprowl's sorrow

| loyalty

former HoundClan

| current status


| theme

El Jinete - Bunbury


A somber and cynical tom with a tragic story behind him, his scars a reminder of the one that once terrorized his past. He often finds himself wandering alone in the forest, the whispers of the damned following him like a shadow of his actions.

Take from me, leave nothing left, take everything.


Ghoulprowl is a struggling warrior, his issues apparent in his somber yet defensive nature; he is quickly agitated when he doesn't feel safe or welcomed, his mental stability lacking enough to cloud his judgement. He is remote, not usually forming bonds with many outside of hatred. He suffers from schizophrenia and paranoia, along with anxiety, leading him to constantly be on edge.

  • Likes
    • enclosed spaces
    • night time
    • birds [prey]
    • sparring
  • Dislikes
    • crowds
    • open spaces
    • unnecessary speaking
    • newleaf

















  • Father: shadowflare
  • Mother: bluejayserenade
  • Siblings: dovewatcher, littlecreek
  • Mate: formerly [redacted]
  • Kit: somberpaw [ ] , spectralpaw, darkpaw, mellowpaw, southpaw


Ghoulprowl was born to Bluejayserenade and Shadowflare in a cold night, along with his littermate Dovewatcher. The kits were their mother's treasure, a gift to her lonely heart and empty nest, yet their father looked down upon them as if they were poison to Blyejayserenade, as if they had drained the she-cat of all of her virtue. [ Read more ]

{ kithood }

Gullkit was a very sheltered tom-kit, his mother only allowing him out of the nursery once the kit had turned 3 moons old, exploring all of his new surroundings with awe-filled eyes until he came upon the sight of his father, Shadowflare, dragging his mother's lifeless body back into camp, he claimed Bluejayserenade had been involved in a fox attack, yet the blood staining Shadowflare's claws stated another story. Gullkit became reserved, quiet, as he aimlessly looked for his mother's spirit in his dreams, he had been losing sleep due to constant nightmares, his eyes tired and wide, paranoid like a ghoul.

{ apprenticeship }

Gullkit soon found himself shadowing his father, he thought that if perhaps he pleased the old tom he would tell him the truth of his mother's death, and perhaps he could become respected like his old man. Yet Shadowflare simply loathed the poor kit, yelling "Ghoul" during his naming ceremony, and deeming him to be shamed by the rest of the Clan for being the kit of a half-Clan she, and of course, the name Ghoulpaw stuck. His apprenticeship was harsh, training under Shadowflare meant Ghoulpaw never escaped the violent tom; he had tried tirelessly to free himself from his father, yet there he lay, a bloody eye staining his fur and the grass below him, his father shouting words of shame.

{ adulthood }

His naming ceremony was nothing grand, none of his Clanmates would cheer for the son of a half blood, not now that Shadowflare glared at him with hatred in his eyes, not now that he was deemed a freak for his hallucinations and oddly colored eyes, he was an outcast. All he had was Falconseeker, the tom who had been by his side since he was in the nursery, yet it all disappeared once he met a strange she-cat.


A lonely wanderer


Ghoulprowl enjoys his new freedom, yet he yearns for a close group he can share nests with. He loathed his leader for their actions, after all, why would he stand for a Clan that hated him despite how much he tried to please them? He doesn't miss Mambastar or Waningequinox, but he does miss his mother and Falconseeker, and as much as he hates to admit it he misses his father too, in a way.

Falconseeker . [ close companion ] Falconseeker was and still is one of Ghoulprowl's closest companions, keeping the unstable tom company ever since the two shared the nursery all the way to their secret meetings outside of Falconseeker's Clan. The two share a complicated relationship which includes romantic tension; the two have been on and off of their romantic relationship ever since became young warriors, though they began drifting apart due to Ghoulprowl's new family seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Now the two simply remain friends with special attatchments to each other, and old love that never truly died.

Dovewatcher . [ sibling ] Dovewatcher and Ghoulprowl have always been closer with each other than they have been with their younger sibling, Littlecreek. Despite Ghoulprowl's seemingly messy personality Dovewatcher is always by her brother's side, even going as far as helping him raise his kits alongside her's without much compensation. though recently the two have started falling off due to Ghoulprowl's exile.

redacted . [ mate ] Ghoulprowl's one and only mate, the one he met during a fateful night under a full moon and bathing in the silver glow of the stars; he adored her the moment he saw her, those eyes of her captivating the broken tom's heart immedietly.


  • Ghoulprowl is massive, twice as big as the avarage male cat.
  • Does not like the idea of being attracted to Falconseeker, thinks he will be less of a warrior for having such tender feelings towards a tom.
  • Struggles with words, causing him to not be able to open up to most.
  • Talks to his mother as if she were still alive during the night, pretends she's simply curled up around him like she once did in the nursery.
  • Very emotionally unstable, suffers from schizophrenia and paranoia due to his father's actions.
  • Only ever breaks down in front of Falconseeker and Dovewatcher, refuses to "show weakness" before his mate or children.

code by Leporidactic


So I gaze in your eyes
And I wonder,
Can you take me on?

Usless Child

Your own name which you couldn't even
Spit out of your mouth
An infected crybaby, wimp,
Ignore it, ignore it
