


1 year, 2 months ago


Money, Money, Money

"It’s this offer or nothing, yah got it?"

name: Mercury
code name: The Miner
age: 54 moons/4.5 years
gender: Cis male (he/they)
species: Husky + pomeranian mix
orientation: Asexual homoromantic
relationship status: Open
occupation: Miner, business man, villain

A business oriented canine that values getting the job done both efficiently and well.

Mercury has the ability appraise, allowing him to assess the quality of anything he touches. Further, if he focuses on anything non-sentient for longer, he is able to see the object's properties and even enhance various aspects. This can range from improving the hardness and quality of a metal to increasing the poison content in a usually harmless plant.

As a smuggler and miner, Mercury can use his ability to analyze the quality of what he's mining and confirm whatever he is smuggling is of actual worth. As a business oriented individual, he can also make sure his products are the best on the market. While not directly battle oriented, it can be used to make dangerous weapons outside of battle that can later be used to enhance his attacks.

If Mercury is less familiar with an object, it takes longer for him to appraise its quality or change its properties. Even if he is very familiar with an object, he still needs time and focus to be able to enhance part of it. If he is unfocused midway through, it can leave the object permanently lowered in quality or even destroyed in certain circumstances.


Mercury is rather blunt and sarcastic, and he is quick to say what is on his mind. While he can do small talk, he struggles to be polite, often accidentally saying something rude without realizing it. While his assortment of jobs over the years have left him very good at picking up social cues in work or tense environments, his lack of friends and general isolation have left him unable to pick up on cues in more casual settings. When it comes to business, he has a very smooth tongue, and he feels no guilt in swindling others. Despite all of this, he is still decently friendly and willing to take one for the team if it will improve the final outcome of a task or job. He has a strong work ethic, and sees business as everything.

Due to being a dog, Mercury is rather strong, fast, and bulky purely due to his genes. He is not the most intelligent, but he is also by no means dumb. In business situations, Mercury is incredibly charismatic, using persuasion, intimidation, and any other tactic to get a good sale. Outside of these situations, he significantly less adept at speaking to others.

Common Sense

  • Money and business
  • Taking a good nap
  • Alone time
  • Those who attempt to scam him
  • Crowded areas
  • The heat

  • Very tall
  • Has a slight southern accent
  • Specializes in making small animal carvings/trinkets out of stone
Design Notes

  • content
  • content
  • content

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Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.



Mercury was raised with a younger sister by his parents in Outer Stullover. His mother is a husky named Jupiter. Her quirk is Textured Camouflage, allowing her to change her body into the same substance as anything she touches. His father is a pomeranian named Pewter. His quirk is Assess, allowing him to immediately assess the quality of anything he touches, being able to instinctively quantify something's worth and find any imperfections. Similar to himself, his sister is a husky pomeranian mix, and her name is Moon. Her quirk is Substance Swap, allowing her to change the material something is made of simply by touching it.


While his parents were not at all cruel, they were not super outwardly affectionate either. They cared most about their shop, a growing business that sold a vast assortment of items, ranging from tools to decorations. It was constant work, but work the entire family took pride in. Mornings and nights were spent collecting items and hand making products, while the middle of the day was spent watching over the shop and selling goods. Mercury and Jupiter typically collected materials while Pewter and Moon turned them into products.

While out at work, Jupiter typically collected more basic materials such as wood and stone. Carrying a piece of iron on a necklace, she would change her body into the same material to become the tool needed to chop things down. Mercury on the other hand typically wandered further out to collect more unique materials, searching for stuff such as herbs, gemstones, and any other interesting things he could find. Without a quirk that changed his body, he needed to bring his own tools, and through this became skilled with using both a pick and an axe.

Materials gathered were brought back on small sleds that latched onto Mercury and Jupiter, both made and designed inside their shop. Once they are brought back, Pewter and Moon begin to work on turning it into products. Through constant checking through his quirk, Pewter produces high quality products with minimal imperfections. He specializes mostly in woodworking and metal work, mostly making things such as tools, storage containers, and other things that will go through practical use. Moon creates more intricate designs and specializes in making decorations and garments. Through the use of her quick, Moon can turn intricate wooden jewelry or carvings into a much more sturdy and beautiful stone or gem. She also adds designs to some of her father’s work to enhance it and raise its price.

In their small bits of freetime, Mercury typically played around with Moon. Him and his sister were very close. They fought often as siblings do, but in the end, they were each other’s best friend. Neither had any outside friends, and neither really desired any either.


At around 24 moons/2 years of age, Mercury decided to leave his family to set off on his own business ventures, hoping to discover something entirely new. Now a loner, he traveled much deeper into Weerwood, becoming more well versed with the various plants, fruits, and herbs it held. Although the woods held a wide variety of interesting items, it was nothing that new. Mercury decided to take the chance and travel into No Man's Land. Relatively soon after, he discovered the mysterious cave of Mothersheart. Amazed by the strange creatures and crystals, he dedicated a lot of time to exploring the cave and everything it held. He gained a great understanding of its layout.

By the age of 30 moons/2.5 years, Mercury soon started a monopoly by selling the never seen before materials to more shady and underground businesses in Stullover. While his family generally sold to the public, their high values of business and making money made them never turn down commissions from more illegal or villainous organizations. This gave Mercury perfect connections, and using the code name "The Minor," he sold the magic crystals found in the cave's depths. He would also sell various gemstones and precious metals, and he’d even range out to selling herbs enhanced by his quirk.

This lifestyle continued up until present day. After hearing of the growing numbers of Dogsend, he chose to join mostly for his own safety. He did not plan on stopping his business ventures, but it made more sense to join the neighboring dangerous organization rather then be an outsider and enemy.

Even after everything, Mercury still stays in touch with his family. He occasionally visits and even lets them sell some of his less dubious products. They hold no animosity towards one another, and while they don’t know the full extent of what their son has gotten up to, they wouldn’t be against it. To them, business shouldn’t discriminate, and a hero is no better then a villain if they are a customer. Mercury even uses a special pick in his mining made by them, materials gathered by Jupiter, assembled by Pewter, and added decorations from Moon.


Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.