Elieza Garrae Tylien Ramouche



6 years, 1 month ago


The youngest of 3 daughters from a noble household, Elieza Garrae Tylien Ramouche's parents were severely disappointed when their daughter decided to pursuit the studies of magic instead of aiming to become a proper member of nobility. Her parents, disliking her decision, still decided to support her by sending her off to study under a renown ice magician only under the condition that she would court a prince in the future and be married.

Elieza is prim and proper, even though she's considered the "rebellious" sister of the three. She keeps up appearances even though rumors spread of her being a shut-in and unusual.

Her talent for frost magic is the real deal, and she soon became her master's best student. After deciding that she had nothing left to learn, her parents bought a small territory in a frozen wasteland for Elieza to hole up and continue her studies while she continued to put off her promise of marriage. She became research penpals with Tyreil, who she tells her parents is "courting" her. However, they're just good friends who like to conduct studies.

She has never needed anything in her life, being provided for by her parents, but she still feels dependent on them and is afraid to try and do things her own way.