Lazarus Michaels



6 years, 2 months ago


He got a very caring and sweet personality which is surprising because he looks really scary. He got a soft spot for kids and feels like ALL KIDS NEED PROTECTION. But he can also be extremely serious at times, you don't want him to growl at you.


AppearanceHe's 188 cm tall and he's a healthy weight for someone of his age and size. Lazarus is a strong bub, stronger than he looks. But this also makes him a bit clumsy, especially in the dark. Three eyes, and he still can't see shit.The biggest things noticeable are his horns and eyes. Think of the most common demon horns, then make them massive. Also, he has a third eye on his forehead. But instead of a normal eye, its flipped vertically. The whites of that eye is replaced with black, and the pupil of it is a slit. Its good for scaring people.

Hairstyle: His hair is grey but he dyes it blonde because he denies being an old fart. (even for a demon). His hair is pretty long so he keeps it tied up in a man-bun most of the time. (references are a bit old).

Eyes: His eyes are deep blue and the pupils can turn into slits when angered, like a cat.


Laz was born to a demon mother and father in 1945. He never knew much about them, as they were killed when he was a baby by another demon. He was taken in by "the boss" where he lived poorly until the cruel demon passed away. He was then adopted by Xander Michaels.

Wife: He met his wife Rosalie in highschool and they started talking. Rosalie was a complete nerd but didn't mind helping Lazarus study. Many years later they had 3 wonderful babies, Chowder, Lucas and Emily.

Siblings: Later in life he finds out that he actually had an older sister all along. Her name's Anya.



Laz was born to a demon mother and father in 1945. He never knew much about them, as they were killed when he was a baby by another demon. Said demon took him and gave him to his boss. Thats when his 'dad' adopted him. Well, less adopted, and more claimed. He took care of him (poorly, I must add) until he wad old enough to start working for him. 

Laz then grew up learning how to fight, steal, lie, and kill. Although he was enrolled into school to blend in, he lost time and ended up dropping out.

An older demon named Xander often came to check up on hum and make sure that he was alright. Later when the evil demon died, Xander took Lazarus and started to raise him properly.

Nothing much else happened during this period. He worked his way through life, earning what little money he could. But eventually, he met a really pretty girl and fell in love. After a while of dating her, they got married. Around this time, his 'father' also died of 'unknown' reasons.

Around 1998, they had a kid named Chowder. Lazarus loves his son more than anything in the world, and would kill to keep him safe. He's proud of everything his son does. In 2001 they have Lucas, the tallest of the siblings and in 2004 Emily is born. She's the tiny bub, she needs protection.


-Laz has journal where he writes down his life, like a diary. It starts when hes younger, talking about what his dad did to him. Then slowly gets happier as he meets Rose and has kids. But its a special journal, and only full demons can read it. So Rosalie, Chowder and Emily can't read it fully.

Credits due:

TwizzlyTwist (or Twistymoo) - Art and helping to write this all out.

Blazie Panda - Art