


1 year, 2 months ago



Name Roy
Age 13
Species Slushie Puppie
Gender Male
Sexuality Straight
Pronouns he / him
Base Species Border Collie

Slushie Puppie Traits
  • No Hair
  • Folded Ears
  • Fur Tail
  • Colored Slush
  • Less Than 50% Slush
Reference Image Here

Roy is a Slushie Puppie, a species of canines that are partially made of snow and slush to protect themselves from the cold environments they inhabit. However, instead of growing up in the cold climate that he was born for, Roy grew up in the deep south.

Roy's grandfather was a slush pup, and his mother told him that was where he got his slush from. Roy was never able to meet his grandfather, but he wears his slush with pride - and minor annoyance, since it often melts everywhere and makes a mess. Roy and his mother had an extremely strong relationship despite the fact that his father left before he was born. He also had his cousin, Bella, who was a slush pup like he was. Still, despite the support and love around him, Roy was far away from where most slushers were. He grew up under blistering sun and without any snow, and it took a toll on him. His mother always told him that, if all else failed, he should head north; that was where his grandfather was from, after all.

When Roy was thirteen, his mother disappeared without a trace. Roy waited a week before taking her advice and heading north, hoping that he would find her waiting for him there. On his way he ran into Nico, a jumpy little pup that was completely on his own, and instantly felt the need to help the kid. Not long later the two found Ebony, a quiet and cold slush pup who didn't speak about her past, and then helped free Creature and Puddle from a labratory transport. The five of them made their way together to the northern tundra, and Roy found that he was finally surrounded by his kind. He is still looking for his mother, but he has made his own family in the process.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent


Roy is a very outgoing and sociable character. He is eager to make conversation with anyone that he comes across, and doesn't shy away from strangers. He is quick to take on a caretaker role, and is very family-oriented.


Roy has several survivalist skills such as hunting, farming, pitching a tent, and other things that the rest of the group has no idea how to do. He is also the most well-adjusted of the group in terms of interracting with people.


  • Roy has nicknames for everyone in the group. They sometimes change, but usually Nico is "glowstick", Puddle is "lil drop", Creature is "boulder", and Ebony is "icicle".
  • He wears his boots in an attempt to keep from dripping slush everywhere. He wears his hat all the time just because he likes it.
  • He has a very thick southern accent.
  • As confident as he seems, Roy often struggles with his self-image as a slush pup. He sometimes believes that he is less of a slush pup than the others since he is so much more adjusted to heat and has so little slush.
  • There is a version of Roy canon in Emmikoo's series Eye of the Eclipse! He is Bella's older cousin.

Nico Friend
Ebony Friend
Creature Friend
Puddle Friend
Bella Cousin

Designer CNWolf
Masterlist ID SP0275
Obtained MYO
Based On N/A