


6 years, 2 months ago


  • Frostfeather

  • age 38 m.o ≈ 3 y.o
  • gender Intact - Tom
  • Breed Undetermined mix
  • rank Tundraclan deputy
  • theme

Loyalty • Wisdom • Fortitude


"Other things may change us, but in the start and end we remain a family."

A massive white cat with long and thick fur, Frostfeather can be intimidating upon first glance. A seasoned warrior of many moons, Frostfeather has built up a good amount of strong muscle underneath his lengthy pelt, although his hind right leg is weak due to an injury sustained after being dropped by an eagle as a young apprentice. Frostfeather's tail can be described as fox-like, very poofy and thick, and it has been useful in helping the massive cat remain balanced in critical situations. An interesting feature that many tend to point out upon their first introductions, Frostfeather carries and displays heterochromia, with one eye being blue and the other green. Like many cats with heterochromia, Frostfeather's hearing is not the best, although it is also not terrible. He makes up for this by remaining vigilant at all times, using his other senses to make up for whatever hindrance is caused by his hearing. Atop of Frostfeather's ears are poofy tufts of white fur, joined by long tufts of fur on Frostfeather's elbows. Frostfeather's size makes him a less than agile and quick cat, however, he makes up for this with the characteristic strength of a Sunclan cat. He is always practicing to better his agility and quickness, or, more appropriately, learn how to work with the elements of their land to make his lack of speed less problematic.

"Loyalty means nothing unless it has at its heart the absolute principle of self-sacrifice."

height 15.5" - 39.37cm

Weight 17 lbs.

pronouns He/him

Sexuality Bisexual

dob Unknown

Status Single

origin Loner x Tundra

Position Deputy

mbti ESFJ





Art value $12.50


  • Cool but not cold weather
  • The taste of stoats
  • Being with his clan
  • Being in the Lupine fields


  • Gorgeclan's leader
  • The taste of reindeer
  • Blizzards
  • Climbing


A stoic and calm cat, Frostfeather is a tom of few words. However, he is far from a grump or a loner, instead preferring to spend his free time telling war and battle stories with apprentices or bathing in the sun with his fellow warriors. Frostfeather is intelligent and disciplined, and at times his discipline and cautiousness can make him seem like a pessimistic downer, however, it's really just his attempt to keep his companions and himself safe. He is very family-oriented, spending much of his time lazing about with his siblings or grooming his adoptive mother Dewstep. Similarly, Frostfeather has always dreamt of having a family of his own, although his devotion to his clan has disrupted this dream and put it on the backburner. Frostfeather likes to be busy and enjoys patrolling and hunting, often-times volunteering himself for the jobs despite having done his fair share already. Some could call him a bit of a dunce at times, and some jokes and light-headed conversation may go over his head.


Frostfeather was born from a once-domesticated loner named Blizzard and a Tundraclan warrior named Jaggedtooth. A forbidden romance, the two spent a dozen moons as friends before Blizzard would produce a two-kit litter consisting of one male and one female kit. The two kits, eventually named Frostkit and Eaglekit, had both inherited the color and fur of their mother, hardly resembling their black and white father's coloration at all. Not wanting their kits to live a life of secrecy and danger, Blizzard agreed to allow Ravenwing to bring the kits back to his clan, sparking controversy as to whether or not the disloyal warrior and his unpure kits would be allowed to stay.

However, in the end, it was decided that, given the two kits' size and lengthy fur, they would cope well in the clan, and they were allowed to stay. Despite this, their father was considered an outcast by many in the clan, his loyalty doubted around every turn. This would remain the case even when the warrior went missing and was presumed dead, with others presuming that he had run off to be with his old mate, who had been spotted outside Tundraclan territory not long before. Frostfeather and his sister would be raised by a queen named Dewstep, whose litter of four ended with only one surviving kit as the others were taken by the cold. Dewstep raised the litter dutifully, teaching them the importance of loyalty to their clan. Frostfeather and Eaglebreeze, knowledgeable of their true lineage, had it ingrained into them the severity of disloyalty and dishonesty, lessons which would stick with the two warriors with each moon they aged. As an apprentice, Frostfeather was a responsible and disciplined cat, always eager to outshine his father's memory and prove his loner and kitty cat lineage wrong. He and Thunderpaw, his step-brother now known as Thunderthroat, would train every hour of the day, always seeing who could one-up the other.

However, nothing remains joyful in this storm-riddled world. Eaglebreeze and Thunderthroat, on a patrol with two other cats, fell victim to a violent blizzard. Eaglebreeze, separated from the rest of the patrol, never had her final moments confirmed, whilst Thunderthroat's body was found the next morning covered in half a foot of snow. Both lost their lives, along with one of the other cats who had been on the patrol with them. Just moons later, Dewstep passed away from an unknown sickness. While these deaths greatly affected Frostfeather, he refused to forget his loyalties to his clan. He would soon after be made deputy upon the previous deputy resigning, and since then Frostfeather had strived to make Dewstep, Eaglebreeze, and Thunderthroat happy from Starclan.



◽ Ravenwing (NPC Warrior, deceased) x Blizzard (NPC Loner, unknown)

Adopted Parents:

◽ Dewstep (NPC Warrior, deceased)

Siblings include:

◽ Eaglebreeze (NPC F Warrior, deceased) & Thunderthroat (NPC M Warrior, deceased)



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