


1 year, 2 months ago



Content Warnings
  • Animal Death
  • Depression
  • Suicidal Ideation
Warning: I take a silly Clangen character way to seriously and give him a dark and tradgic life story.
Warning 2: Please excuse any writing and spelling errors, I'm dyslexic and also just bad at writing :P

"Nine lives are a curse."

— Meowymanstar to Weaselpaw (pelt)

Meowymanstar is a small short furred orange tabby and white trans tom with dark blue eyes.

Meowymanstar is the late leader of Floodclan and the oldest leader the clan has ever had. He was born a loner, but eventually joined Floodclan as an adult. Meowyman became mates with the Floodclan warrior Johnswipe, and later after Johnswipe’s sudden death he became mates with Woodheart, however Woodheart died in a border skirmish not long after.

Meowyman survived the Great Flood which killed half of Floodclan, including the elder Medicine Cat, Leader, and Deputy. After this, much to his surprise, Starclan chose Meowyman to be the new leader. Meowymanstar’s leadership was long and full of hardship, it was even rumored that he was cursed.

Eventually Meowymanstar died at 209 moons and was succeeded by his deputy Duckfoot, now Duckstar.


Story Expanded

"Starclan, why havent you taken me too?"

―Meowymanstar to Starclan

Meowyman was born to two loners, Luna and Charlie, he was named Chloe, but once he grew up and left to travel on his own, he found that “molly” didn't fit him, and neither did his name. Some of the twolegs he lived by had begun calling him “Meowyman”, due to his constant chattering, and he took on the moniker as his new name.

Meowyman joined Floodclan when he was caught hunting on Floodclan territory. The patrol that caught him (which included a warrior by the name of Johnswipe) were impressed by his hunting skills and offered him a place in their clan. Meowyman accepted, as he liked the idea of living with a large group of cats, rather than alone.

However after joining the clan Meowyman was insecure in his place in the clan, as he had not received a proper apprenticeship, nor was he raised within clan life. Though insecure, Meowyman was befriended by the deputy Wheatlilac, and the warriors Johnswipe, Woodheart and Quesotree, all of whom had once been loners or kittypets themselves, and understood Meowy in ways others in the clan did not. Meowyman’s friends helped him adjust to clan life with Johnswipe being the cat to spend the most time with Meowyman. As time went on Meowy and John became mates and at least for a while Meowyman finally felt happy and stable in his life.

Meowyman’s life did not stay peaceful for long though, as one day he awoke to find that Johnswipe and Quesotree had been fatally poisoned by rat poisoned fresh kill. Meowyman was barely able to say goodbye before Johnswipe died and Quesotree went soon after. Meowyman and Woodheart were destroyed over the loss of their mates and friends and spent much of their time together consoling each other and bonding over their shared losses. Eventually both cats were able to mostly move on, and they found love in eachother, becoming mates.

Sadly, Meowyman was not fated to have a mate as it seems as Woodheart was killed in a border skirmish soon after they became mates. After this Meowyman barely had any time to mourn before a flash flood, which would later be dubbed the “Great Flood” swept through Floodclan’s camp. Meowyman fought against the flood to save some of the clan’s kits, and he managed to survive and escape… but after regrouping with the survivors Meowyman, already heartbroken form looking two mates and a friend, found out that many cats had died in the flood, including his friend and deputy Wheatlilac. Not only this, the clan’s leader, Rowanstar and elder Medicine Cat, Clawseed were killed in the flood as well.

The clan almost fell into pure chaos after this tragedy, some believed they were being punished by Starclan, others thought they were cursed, and no one knew who should lead. The new eldest Medicine Cat Autumnacorn traveled to speak to Starclan, and there the previous elder Medicine cat Clawseed told Autumn that the Stars wish for Meowyman to become leader. This decision was a surprise to everyone, including Meowyman, many though Starclan was mad to request one of the most heartbroken and insecure cats in the clan to be leader, but it was their will, and so Meowyman traveled to speak to Starclan an deceive his nine lives.

Meowyman received lives from the previous leader Rowanstar, Clawseed, the ancient starclan cat Creekflood, a previous deputy: Cheetosun, an elder: Silkface, Wheatlilac, and finally Woodheart, Quesotree, and Johnswipe. This would be the last time Meowyman saw his friends and mates for many moons, as his leadership would be the longest in Floodclan history.

As Meowymanstar, death and tragedy seems to continue to follow the poor tom, Mewoymanstar had 7 apprentices during his time as leader, 4 of which died before him, two of which died as apprentices. Three of his apprentices, Beechmoth, Redswirl and Peapaw died in a forest fire which killed several others in the clan, one of several disasters that killed many during Meowymanstar’s lifetime. Meowymanstar also had 5 deputies during his leadership, each one dying younger than Meowyman. Over time rumors and myths formed around Meowymanstar, that he was cursed, and anyone close to him would die tragically, some even said he was a curse upon the clan and the reason for all the disasters that befell them. Meowymanstar himself seemed to believe this, taking it as the only explanation for the tragedy in his life, and yet he continued trying his best to lead the clan, and despite everything Meowymanstar led well and was a good leader.

Meowymanstar, though determined to lead well, was angry at Starclan for always letting others die while he never lost any lives, he was the one who had lives to give, not his clanmates! He often wondered to Starclan why they took so many, but never him. Meowymanstar went through most of his lives in old age, having become so old that his body kept dying from different elderly ailments. By the time Meowymanstar lost his final life he was 209 moons old, and the eldest cat in the clan by far.

When Meowymanstar passed, he was met by his old friend Wheatlilac, and was led to finally join Quesotree, Woodheart and Johnswipe in the stars.

In death Meowymanstar gave the life of Insurance to his successor Duckstar, and wished him a better 9 lives than his own.

Trans ftm / Tom
Gay + Polyamorous
Leader Position
Preceded by:
Succeeded by:

Detailed description

Warrior: Meowyman is a small, slender, bright orange tabby tom with white in his muzzle, belly and paws. He has big dark blue eyes, big round ears.

Leader: Meowymanstar is a small, scrawny, once bright, but now dulled with age, orange tabby tom with white in his muzzle, belly and paws. He has big dark blue eyes, big round ears. His fur is unkempt and messy and he has dried leaves stuck in his pelt. His right ear has two tears, he has a scar over his right eye, and there are several claw scars running across his chest and stomach.

Character Sprites


Adult Version


Senior Version


Starclan Version


Notable Game facts

  • Meowymanstar was made leader as a joke, I dont think its a joke anymore...
  • I loved him for the name... then I realized how sad his life is... now I'm obsessed with him.
  • The "disasters" that befell Floodclan were Mass Extinction events. I turned them on for the drama and also bec the clan was getting way to big.
  • Johnswipe x Meowyman x Woodheart x Quesotree has been dubbed The Starclan Polycule... by me, bec I say so.
