Tobias Wright



1 year, 1 month ago


Character who was originally a canon character, but between me already chucking out the entire backstory and rewriting it, and then some things that happened after I originally wrote said character, he's now an OC with a new name. Sort of an OC based on 963 who decided to have his own story.  (Warnings for child neglect and parentification)

Design Notes (this is for his base appearance prior to his first death, what his ghost looks like when visible, and what he looks like in universes where he's able to live again)

  • Tall, about 6'2"
  • Scrawny, mostly due to his forgetful nature in terms of eating
  • Vibrant orange and wavey hair that he refuses to tame properly
  • Green eyes, Usually wearing rectangular glasses with thick frames
  • Pale, but has a lot of freckles from spending a lot of time outside
  • Usually has some facial hair scruff
  • Often wearing a playful smile
  • Color palette leans towards greens
  • (relevant to the visible ghost appearance and universes where he's able to live again) Usually wearing 963
  • Outfits
    • The outfit he died in was a green button up shirt, brown pants, a loosened black tie, the white researcher coat, and brown dress shoes
    • Usually prefers more casual outfits, such as hoodies, t-shirts with puns on them, jeans, cargo pants, etc. Also loves tennis shoes
    • Sometimes will dress up with button ups and sweater vests, but if he's not working, good luck motivating him to wear them. 


  • Parents were Foundation Researchers who mostly focused on their jobs
  • If they bothered to spend time with their children, it was almost always involved doting on the oldest brother
  • Forever in his brother's shadow, Tobias at first tried to match his brother's brilliance
  • Despite being a very intelligent child, he was just compared to his brother and rarely got to enjoy the limelight without it
  • So he started acting out
  • Which still didn't work in terms of getting his parents' attention
  • Even if he got into fights, they would chide him and then promptly ignore him
  • Eventually decides he'll just move out at 18 since they clearly don't care, and starts working towards that.
  • He's in high school when his mother has another child
  • She barely cares for the infant, and Tobias starts taking care of him. 
  • Babysitters and nannies had been hired just like when he had been a kid, but Tobias wanted to make sure at least SOMEONE in the family cared for this kid.
  • Eventually, he ends up taking care of TJ whenever he's out of school
  • Between school and taking care of a baby, his grades dip, but he's still passing, and that's all that matters to him. 
  • At one point he returns home from school with a black eye thanks to yet another fight. 
  • He had planned on putting ice on it when he got home, but he could hear TJ crying the second he walked in the door
  • So he went over and tried to pick TJ up
  • The second he touches TJ, a black eye develops on TJ
  • And Tobias's own eye stops hurting
  • And TJ's screaming intensifies
  • Thankfully, the babysitter didn't see the child's face, and after confirming that Tobias could handle the screaming, they left
  • He had no idea what could have caused it
  • He knows for a fact he didn't hit TJ, and the fact that his own black eye just disappeared was suspicious
  • The fact he didn't even have to try and hide his little brother's new black eye from his parents was incredibly depressing. It made life easier for him since he didn't have to explain it, but that didn't change the fact that he could see how little TJ was cared for
  • He started trying to research what could have made this happen, but this looked like it was straight up magic
  • It took a few other small injuries for him to realize that every time TJ touched someone, whatever injuries that person had would transfer to TJ, who would then have to sport that wound until it healed.
  • After he realized that, he made a point to be more careful. Both in terms of getting hurt and being cautious with touching his brother if he happened to be sporting an injury
  • When he graduated high school, he made the decision to continue living at home and attend a community college so that he could be home for TJ while he attended preschool and kindergarten
  • By this point, he had told TJ to be careful touching other people 
  • He couldn't confirm or deny how well that instruction was followed
  • Until TJ accidentally healed a classmate's broken arm in front of the teacher
  • TJ made it back home. But the Wright parents with some other people came by and took TJ
  • And TJ never came back
  • Tobias vaguely recognized the symbol on the unknown people as something related to the company that his parents worked for
  • He starts digging
  • And he finds The SCP Foundation
  • Given his parents, instead of being memory wiped, he's given an opportunity
  • Once he finishes his degree, he can come work for the Foundation
  • In order to not lose his memories and maybe find his little brother, he agrees.
  • Contrary to current beliefs, he is capable of keeping his mouth shut when he needs to
  • He's given some intern positions as he progresses through his degree and then doctorate
  • He's... not entirely happy with how some things are handled at the foundation, and his playful persona is mainly how he handles the horrible things he sees
  • This sentiment is cemented when he finally finds TJ and is allowed supervised visits. Especially since TJ's mental state seemed to improve in the presence of his brother.
  • The now young teenager is covered in scars and as time goes, he is progressively getting weaker as different researchers use TJ's power to heal them
  • When TJ was put on a ventilator, Tobias begged his supervisors to allow TJ to take one of the cure-all pills
  • Surprisingly, the proposal was accepted
  • Once he's able to talk to his brother afterwards, the phrase "I'll get you out of here" was said
  • Of course that means he's no longer allowed the visits with his brother, and the file is updated with much harsher language
  • Tobais is then transferred to another site completely
  • One day, he's told to transport a weird necklace that was discovered a few weeks ago to a new storage locker
  • And then a breach happens
  • The event caused a portion of the building to collapse
  • Which he was in
  • After falling through the floor and getting impaled, the rest of the debris falls and traps him
  • He dies
  • And wakes up later feeling significantly shorter and not needing glasses. 
  • After a lot of panicking and experiments with the necklace by the foundation, it's determined his soul is apparently bound to the necklace he had been carrying, and whoever touches it is possessed by him
  • (Whether it kills the person is dependent on au. Of Monsters and Men currently assumes that the necklace does kill the holder. I may play with an older version of 963 where it allows the person to survive, but they're not aware of the possession until after the necklace is removed)
  • His hope is completely demolished
  • He sees no way out of this situation for him or his younger brother
  • and his parents and older brother don't really seem to care
    • sure he expected that by now but it still stung
  • Given his ability to kinda survive anything and report the events later as long as the necklace is recovered, he's often assigned to extremely dangerous SCPs
  • He keeps subtly trying to find ways to destroy the necklace, but nothing works
  • He's also often pressured into experiments with the scps to see how they interact with him
  • The amount of times he died during this period was getting to him
  • He's given mandated therapy with Dr. Glass
  • A lot of those early sessions are peppered with Tobias derailing within minutes
  • Eventually, Glass manages to get some information out of him and building up a friendly relationship with him
  • Admittedly, Tobias is friendly with a lot of people, but he's extremely guarded about what he tells others. Glass gets the most information out of him, but even he hits walls
  • Then there's an incident that means a lot of dangerous skips have to be temporarily housed together
  • He knows this won't end well, but when has anyone listened to him when he's tried being serious
Of Monsters and Men au
  • The containment breach happens and it is bad
  • A lot of researchers die almost immediately, and while trying to make sure some of his less durable coworkers got out, he was killed.
  • He didn't expect to 'wake up' while the breach was still going
  • However, this was different from every other time he had come back
  • He wasn't looking through another set of eyes, but it was like his soul was just. Existing
  • It took him a second to notice the extremely short and scrawny D-Class kneeling near his previous body
  • Confused, he could only watch as the man threaded 714 onto the chain that once held the pendant that contained his soul
  • The pendant was placed in a pocket, and as the man walked off, Wright's spirit was dragged with him
  • He saw everything D-9341 did to survive, and is impressed by his quick wit and luck
  • Especially when he re-contained 108 without resorting to The Femur Breaker (he still cringes at that name)
  • But Even he can tell that the poor D-class is running out of options
  • There is no escape for someone like him. If one of the released skips doesn't get him, then the MTF soldiers would shoot him. 
  • During his unexpected travels, a part of him really wanted the man to escape. Whatever he had possibly done to become a d-class could not possibly ever warrant this hopeless situation.
  • However, he didn't expect the man to decide to release 682. And he fully expected to re-experience the worst drug trip in his entire life
  • Instead, 682 asks why and Tobias can only stare in complete shock as the two have a conversation, and 682 changes into a human shape.
  • He is brought along for the ride as they pick up 053 and 079 and discuss their escape. Names are given to all present except for 79, who requests for time to think on the matter.
  • They actually escape
  • The soldiers that would have otherwise stopped them are inflicted with Amelia's powers and go into a frenzy killing each other 
  • Damian takes a still running car, and floors it.
  • Tobias's pendant is mostly forgotten as the group of fugitives try to wrangle life on the run, but he gets to witness them interact with each other, and it tugs at his long thought dead heart
  • There's a sweetness to how they handle Amelia as the child she is, and even with how Lizzie seems to try to learn things for her benefit. Damian's patience with both of them as he navigates the rocky life they're all living is commendable, and Tobias struggles to fit together how such a kind man could be a d-class. Sure there's the sketchy knowledge about hotwiring cars and finding ways to make people lose their trail, but that was it.
  • His presence is discovered when Amelia impulsively picks up the pendant
  • At first, he tries to play it off, but Lizzie is quick to anger, and even Damian was cold to him
  • The mention of the pendant being buried in the middle of nowhere sends a spike of fear into him
  • Yes he's died several times since then, but the mental image still messes with him
  • So he throws a hail-mary. He had had ideas for a suppressor so that kids with powers could potentially interact with others without harming them
  • He had originally looked into the concept for TJ, but amended it when he saw some of the other children in the foundation
  • Just like at the foundation, he was met with suspicion
  • At least Damian and Lizzie didn't laugh 
  • Damian decided to at least keep the pendant in case they wanted to take him up on the offer
  • For a while, he is once again delegated to the role of watching spirit
  • However, the longer Damian holds the pendant, the more... muddled things get
  • Despite 714 clearly blocking 963, it seemed like Tobias's comments were being heard by Damian, and at one point, Damian clearly could feel any of Tobias's stronger emotions
    • The grocery store incident: Some field agents of the foundation were trying to corner Damian in a store, and Tobias recognized them almost immediately.
    • By this point, he had decided he didn't want this group to get dragged back to the foundation, so seeing the agents scared him
    • There were also incidents where he was dragged into Damian's dreams, but that took a while to figure out. the dreams kept making them experience the dreams as one entity
  • It takes time, but after a really bad incident involving Amelia's powers going off on a random stranger, Damian finally caves and asks Tobias to explain his idea again
  • The roadtrip to make the suppressor was long. And one of Tobias's old jobs came up again as he had to walk Damian through the process of drawing blood from a person
  • But it worked
  • Damian kept 714 on still due to 963, but it was no longer necessary for Amelia
  • Damian's memories had been filtering back in, and not long after this incident, he finally remembers Stella, Iris, and TJ.
  • Even Tobias had heard about the escape attempt with Iris, and he was gobsmacked to meet the person who orchestrated it.
  • Meanwhile, Damian was stunned to realize that Tobias and TJ were brothers. He had heard a little bit about TJ's life from the few times he had been allowed near him
  • After thinking on this for a while, Tobias asks Damian if he wants to break those kids out.
  • It took some debating about the feasibility, but eventually, Damian decides he has to try
  • The plan involved making everyone at the foundation think Tobias was piloting Damian's body, and Lizzie and Carrie would go and cause chaos once Damian was inside
  • It was dangerous, but worth a shot
  • It worked
  • They bumped into Glass in the chaos, and to Tobias's surprise, Glass took Damian's hand to follow. At this point, Glass still believed he was Tobias, but regardless, he fully believed in this plan
  • He really shouldn't have been surprised that Damian decided to free even more children and other entities that followed the group
  • They all regrouped in a few cars, and for once, Tobias was glad that he didn't have a body
  • One of the rescues was Thomas, who had a really powerful adopted parent who agreed to meet with them
  • Thomas's father sets the group up in a swampy area in the middle of nowhere
  • They also give Tobias a body. He's not sure if it's the missing body fixed up or a new one, and he's not going to ask too many questions.
  • The necklace was also modified. It couldn't be completely neutralized with his soul still in it, but it would no longer allow him to possess others
    • He would have to wear the necklace for a long while for his soul to properly move into his body
  • Readjusting to his body is a lot. He keeps thinking he's as short as Damian before banging his head on door frames
    • He was always a touchy person (with respect to boundaries), but he's even more so now. At first its a bit overwhelming to him, but for those who are okay with it, he's constantly putting his hands on shoulders/heads/backs of his friends
    • Admittedly Damian and Glass are the primary receivers of this, And Damian is often subjected to being an armrest due to how short he is in comparison
      • Damian jabs Tobias in the side if it bothers him
  • He's given a place to live with TJ, and he immediately gets to work with making TJ comfortable
  • He's with Damian when Clef attacks him
    • He's terrified and feels even more helpless 
      • Even WITH a body, he can't protect Damian
    • Thomas surprised them all by grabbing Clef and teleporting away, and while that's a thing to think on later, he's more concerned for Damian
  • He's not happy to see Clef later, but the fact the guy looks utterly shattered does soften his initial bitterness
  • Clef had suffered like him, and probably didn't think there was such a thing as a happy ending for people like them
  • However, that didn't mean he wasn't going to be a little shit in the meantime
  • Things calm down a bit for a while
  • Then 408 appeared and wanted to speak with Clef and Iris
  • They tell them that Kondraki is going to be murdered, and they need to figure out a plan fast
  • Clef is decided to be the person "escorting" a small group there
  • Tobias volunteers
    • His reasoning is that a lot of people probably think he's the reason the last breach happened, so he's a hot target. And the fact that he's in a new body would mean that everyone would presume that Damian is completely dead, and would remove his face from the list of people to be brought in
  • The plan works. And at one point, he is confronted with Gears during the escape.
    • He yells at Gears to please understand 
    • When that doesn't work, he does something he doesn't fully understand
      • He was just feeling so much of his own emotions, and remembering how Damian felt during the breach and subsequent fugitive run, he lunged at Gears with an open palm
      • According to others, his hand was glowing red
      • Gears falls unconscious but not before some tears fall from his face
    • Given things Kondraki had heard about what happened with Gears, the group decides to drag him along
  • TJ, Damian, and Glass greet him when they come back, and he's pretty sure that's the happiest he's ever felt
  • This is approximately where this story petered out, but he is presumed to live with the others until he passes, finally.