Deadly Silent Library



1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Barns Courtney - Sinners

Barns Courtney - Babylon

Poor Man’s Poison - Black Sheep

Poor Man’s Poison - Hell’s comin’ with me

Poor Man’s Poison - Devil’s Price

Fish in a Birdcage - Rule #20 - Blessed by a Curse

Jorge Rivera-Herrans - Polyphemus

Ghost - Square Hammer

Fleur - Никто не должен придти

Poor Man’s Poison - Wayfaring Stranger


Deadly Silent Library is  an old warden cryptid who lives deep under the Seashore village. This  village located near the shore and inhabitens of this place are haunted  by DSL.

Library  is a former ritual/spiritual leader of the Ancient Deep Dark City  before it went extinct, and now he only keeps his City safe. That’s why  the Library has candles on his horns and he keeps them lit, as any other  candle in his place.

Also,  it's a good reminder to warden about his kind - he got these candles  from others when he just became the next ritual leader. During his  dedication, citizens placed the first candles on the horns of the  Library and lit them, each of their own, showing their pride and faith  in the then-young Library. He still cherishes these memories. Even if  these candles are a burden for DSL - at first, the candles irritated him  and were an extra weight on his horns, preventing him from bending over  or turning too sharply. Back then the citizens helped him if the  Library needed to take something out of his reach. Over time, the  Library got used to it and he is using the Sacrifice now to fetch  anything he would need.

Besides,  DSL has burning marks on his upper back and shoulders due to dripping  candle wax. Now it doesn’t bother him much, but before the Library  needed to keep his composure when candles dripped behind him.

Now  the residents who helped him before, remained only in the form of  funeral urns with few items to accompany them on the other side. Library  still didn’t think about his own urn. But he won't let anyone or  anything damage urns, it’s too sacred to be broken after so long.

Still,  he endlessly wanders around with his own soul lantern and sometimes  lighting up old lamps with his movements - through sculk sensors. During  this warden checks places all over the City and takes a note about  damage.  

Library  became a sculk-infection spreader. His mere presence is dangerous for  any being. His clothes and body coated with sculk and he is fine with  it, thanks for his warden nature. Moreover, his bite is poisonous and he  marks his victims with it. It's very painful to get bitten by Library(  Komodo dragon like)


‘What gives you the right to deal a pain so deep?

Don't you know that pain you sow is pain you reap?

Time to drink your blood over where you stand

Your life now is in my hand’


The  villagers, under which the Dark City stands, are afraid of Deadly  Silent Library himself and not once tried to appease him with the ritual  of sacrifice. They gifted him with a ram, expecting mercy. Instead, the  Library seemed to be mad and since then the Sacrifice has been seen by residents around the village.

Speaking  about sacrifices. DSL doesn’t need any victims, he needs only materials  to rebuild his dear city. Deep Dark City by now is practically falling  apart and the Library can’t do anything about it even if he would try  with all of his desire. He can’t leave his city to get it by himself, so  if villagers or players would be so kind as to sacrifice materials, the  Library would be way more tolerant.

Library  often cursed the damn ram for its wool everywhere in his city, but then  he got an idea. He made a shawl out of all this wool and now wears it  constantly.

The  Library is capable of magic in general, being the ritual leader of his  kind. Speaking more specifically, his strong side is soul magic and fire  one. DSL’s presence keeps the candles around him lit and he can  purposely manipulate light around himself. Usually he uses it when it  comes to scaring away wanderers from his city.


‘You came to my home to steal

But now you'll become my meal

A trade you see?

Take from you, like you took from me’


If  he hasn't succeeded, then Library goes into a blind rage until he kills  intruders. All of this misfits now is part of sculk and in free time  Library experimenting with souls. Also, The Sacrifice, in a sense, the  eyes of the Library - with the help of a ram he will be able to see what  is happening. The Library can take control of the infected in some  sense, using them to replenish the lost vision.

This  warden doesn't have a normal name. Or he forgot it by now. He just goes  with his monster reputation for his protectiveness of Dark City,  calling himself DSL when it is needed. He found amusing the way the  villagers talked about him, scaring their children by some fairy tales  about himself.