Iris's Comments

Omg! I love him if only his for offer I would die for this been I love him! His so cute😭

He's up for offers if you're interested ! id prefer anything over 50-55 for resale, or maybe character trades tbh??? ill probably be super picky for trades though considering im not into the furry fandom anymore much and heavily prefer specific humanoids!! and im kind of in need of money!


Marshall off limits 

Let me think on dat 😅

Ok.i had a think I can accept but I really love him back if u sell or trade him.

Will do! i'll trade lunar over

Id also like the same  for Lunar if you ever get tired of him

Hi! I was wondering if this character is UFO?

unfortunately he isn't!! i'm sorry ><

hi i was letting you know im putting him up for eo:)!

How much are you asking? I’m interested!

im still tent because i do love him still, but id prefer anything over 50-55 for resale, or maybe character trades tbh but id probably be super picky for trades considering im not much into the furry fandom anymore and heavily prefer specific humanoids ><

i can only really offer $50 CAD and multiple charas from

Omg I would totally accept that possibly with vinny and ginny? I hope that’s not asking a lot?

100% considering!

Let me know what you decide💕

omfggg i love this dude 👀👀

Thank you! Feel free to offer anything you like!

i'm mega tempted

my friends say i should offer but im nervous to spend that much money-