Prisma Spectrumwing



6 years, 5 months ago


(Avatar Icon art done by

(Prisma is a Prism Dragon, the species of which belongs to DragonVale by

Name: Prisma Spectrumwing

Gender: Female

Mate: Unknown

Family: Sonar Spectrumwing (Father, deceased), Aurora Spectrumwing (Mother, deceased)

Alias: Unknown

Rank: Commander (Lumerian Light Corps/Formerly), Rogue (Currently)

Affiliation: Good

Faction: Team Light (Formerly), Rogue (Currently)

Status: Alive

Age: 400 (Adult)

Species: Light Dragon (Spectrum Dragon)

Main Element: Light

Sub Element: Water

Personal Weapon: Unknown

Talents: Unknwon

Allies: All of Team Light

Enemies: Shadow Dragons, Shadowsa

Height: 27 ft

Weight: 700 lbs

Width: 5 ft

Length: 45 ft

Wingspan: 210 ft

Colors: Black, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Blue, Green, Red, Orange

Eye Color: Orange

An old war torn dragoness who served under the Late Light Queen and King (Lumie's parents). She started at the bottom and worked her way up commanding officers and helping any way she could. After the death of Lumie's parents the resistance gave a last ditch effort to destroy shadowsa before she came back to the land of the living. And under the command of the Water Light Warrior marched to war. Prisma was leading her battalion home from an campaign off world and, unaware of what had transpired, found herself and her warriors surrounded by shadow dragons. Prisma was knocked unconscious at the start and woke to find her squadron all dead she also found out that the rebellion had been crushed and Team Light disbanded. Disheartened Prisma became a rouge and never returned to the City.